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MOT day


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Well  9 months after picking up the Outback,  MOT time today ...


My concerns were


1) Exhaust, that much loved  Y piece has a tiny puff on start up, (In honesty, it looks like a water drain hole). 


2) Seat belt, Drivers belt dosent return as well as it should  - A quick strip and clean of all the gunk and fluff  from the  guides and mech,  and it was retracting  ( might need a second visit at some time )


3) Screen washers,   the output has become steadily worse over the last few weeks, so today i had a quick investigate...  BTW 2003 MkIV  the bottle is behind the front bumper, and a pig to get to lol 

 Anyway i had the idea of swapping the power leads, and the hoses so i could take the feed from the  rear wash to the front.     (with more time and access, i think this may have worked) but sadly attempt one failed ... 


Plan B, work from the jets back to the pump looking for a blockage, as the motor sounded healthy.


Break at the first union, and it shot fluid everywhere .... working forward at every union found the culprit. - A one way valve near the jets...   6 Inches of new hose later and normal fan spray was resumed ....   (btw - how do you adjust these?  couldn't get them to move, or adjust the fan )


So fingers crossed i dropped it off...



One hour later .......New MOT  :)   happy person...  


One advisory ......  Rear brake pads wearing low ......   Guess what i'm doing over christmas :)



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