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My heater matrix has given up again, so I'm just going to cap it off this time and deal with it in the nicer weather.

Am I right in thinking its the pipe on the driver's side that goes into the car, under te IC that I need to be bypassing?


There should be two one in and one out, I suppose you could get a connector and a length of new hose and loop it so it misses the cabin all together ??


Cheers Stants, I think that's the plan. I'll be able to see them once I get the the intercooler off tomorrow.

That's after it gets back from the garage so they can sort out my rattly heat shield. Along with the squeal from the rear brakes, she sounds like an absolute shed at the moment!


Should look a bit like this


I guess you can just detach the one and feed the other into the top of the block


That's exactly the sort of picture I've been trying to find! Thanks again, the chap in the car shop next to work has given me a connector piece for the 2 pipes


No worries mate I knew it would come in handy some time, you may just be able to do away with the pipe on the left as the right hand one looks long enough to bend round onto the top of the block.


HGood plan, I'll see what happens when I get it apart... The only thing that might stop it on mine is the primary turbo


Ah yes I forgot you have a mass of extra vac lines turbo etc etc,

Have a look at tlags build thread as he's had his engine out may give you more idea


Well, 2 and half hours of brut force and swearing and I'm still arguing with the intercooler. The problem is mainly from a jubilee clip facing downward, instead of to the side! I'll have another fight with it tomorrow and hopefully get somewhere a bit nearer!


from the IC to the secondary turbo. Although the other one doesn't want to come off either!


Boo ! Don't suppose you've had a look from underneath ? I can just about reach up and get at mine from below. Again not sure how much other stuff is in the way on yours


I've borrowed a flexi screwdriver which should do it, but I'll give it a go from underneath if not :)


Good news! It's all done. Bad news... My car seems to have developed a tappety noise and more of a (dare I say it) knocking. I've got my fingers crossed that it's the alternator bearings as it's not really got any rhyme or reason to doing it and seems to vary depending on the gradient of hill I'm driving on

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