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I've had 3 warning lights come on , ABS , cruise control and engine management. I took it to a Subaru garage and they said it was the glow plugs which they changed at a cost of £1,100  as one broke in the head and they had to send it off to an engine specialist. I collected the car a few days ago and the 3 warning lights came back on. The RAC came out and disconnected the Battery and reset the computer and the codes cleared for a day then came back on the next day. Has anyone any experience of this ? The fault codes are showing P037E , C0057, B1403 and 4042 CAN line error. The electrical connection from the wiring loom were sprayed with a solvent which helped for a day. The ABS and the Engine management lights are amber and solid and the cruise is blue flashing. I'm not technically minded but need help. Anyone had this problem ? Who should I go to to get this fixed ? Auto electrician ?? 

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I had exactly the same 3 lights pop up, annoyingly the cruise control also disabled. 

It was the glow plugs that were at fault which did solve the problem.  As part of replacing the glow plugs a fuse and relay was also changed, maybe this could be your problem.

i could post a picture if you would like but it's chucking it down with rain at the moment so I could do tomorrow if you want.


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