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Impreza WRX

tom pick

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Hey guys, just thought I'd ask some Subaru owners if a Subaru Impreza WRX is a good first car for a 17 year old? I've watched some YouTube videos on the topic and just thought I'd try the forums. I've got a great understanding of cars and don't think the WRX will be difficult to drive, but I have no idea if the insurance will be a high price. I haven't bought the car yet, nor do I have a driver's license since I'm only 16, but still, it's the car that I really want as my first. Any advice?

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Hate to dampen your flame but you will have absolutely no chance getting affordable insurance on a WRX as a first car. I doubt you'd even get insured on a non turbo impreza.

Aside from the insurance I wouldn't recommend a WRX as a first car for a 17 year old. They're not difficult to drive normal but if you want to use the power, the turbo power delivery could catch you out.

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