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Knocking noise when releasing clutch to move off

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Hello again everyone,

I was wondering if you could assist me in figuring out the source of a knocking noise and what could possibly be causing it. :mellow:

I have a 2006 impreza 1.5 R, when I am releasing the clutch to move off from a stand still a knocking noise appears, as though the engine is tapping something in the bay.

I haven't been able to pinpoint the problem and recreate it everytime without fail. But if I am pulling off from a stand still then the noise could happen once quite loudly or 2 or 3 times consecutively but rather quiet. :huh:

I usually move off at around 1,500 - 2,500 rpm (tis a baby 1.5 :tongue: )

Dropping the clutch or doing my best to make the car jerk back and forth does not seem to produce the noise so I'm a tad confused to the analogy of a loose engine.

As odd an explanation as this is, would anyone have any insight as to a common problem associated with such a noise? :smile:

thank you


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