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Alarmed or not.

John N

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New owner of a near new 2016 OUTBACK 2.0D PREMIUM.  I like cars with a bit of longevity in them and fingers crossed this will be right up there with my previous 2 Volvo estates.  Needless to say it's the first car I've driven with so many buttons and bells that half the time I don't know whether I'm coming or going.  This is not helped by a dyslexic issue I have and a handbook(s) the size of the bible!

But of more immediate concern is whether I'm activating the alarm correctly.  On the key fob I'm closing the car with a single press of the LOCK button for which I get a single flash of the indicators.  The dealer tells me this is correct.  I need a little reassurance.  I get no little chirp to advise in addition to the indicator flash and I can't see (if there is one) a little flashing alarm diode in the car.  Also, I understand that U.K. models are double locked - and I'm not hearing a reassuring clunk!

I'm hoping I'm worrying needlessly as it's a long time since I bought a car of comparable age/quality (18 years) and things move on.

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Thanks very much for the confirmation.  Contrary to the original post I have now found a little flashing diode indicating (I believe) alarm activation.  It's not very bright and almost invisible in daylight but to the right of the steering wheel is a small diode that flashes green when the fob is in range and red at all other times.  That the dealer didn't know this doesn't inspire confidence, but he is not alone.

I use forums such as this for paddling, pedaling and photography and generally find the 'RIGHT' answer on them.  I'll be asking more 'stupid' questions - this is a long way ahead from my 21 y.o. Volvo it has replaced.

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