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Google searches are annoying me now as every page gives a different answer

I'm fitting my apxei timer and need to know which wires on this harness are 12v constant power source and which goes off to a 12v ignition switched power source (it is the plug from left hand side of steering column)

I did think I knew the answer but Google searches are throwing me now so help would be appreciated. post-1942-0-68496300-1399716962_thumb.jp


I couldn't tell you mate form experience of pratting about with a few not every scoobie uses the same colour wire just to make life that little more fun :( 

Do you have a tester you can use it was the only way I could get most things to work right in the car. :( 


Why are they so awkward making these things lol.

I assumed the red is 12v but could be wrong. If I cut it can always be connected back together I guess

I'll leave this bit till last and carry on with the rest, see if anyone else has any idea


I can't remember I would have said red is too I would almost put money on it but I've done it before and found it was another colour Multi tester has been my saviour a lot :)  


Pulled this when i was doing my gauge install

SUBARU (+12v Constant) Red/Green 

Ignition (+12v Switched) Blue/Yellow 

Ground (-) Black

Not sure if it helps, you could chase the wiring back from the ignition barrel to find a perm live, pretty sure thats green, I have a white one thats perm live too that runs to my ring light

Sent from my SM-T210


That's another colour combination I've read then lol. This is what's frustrating why don't the just do it a universal way rather than by the looks of it using what ever cable they could find at the time.


Haha it's the way they put different coloured spots on it all, different years had different colours and that also changes between model too. Are you just after an ignition live and a perm live feed or do you need to chop into that exact part off the loom ?

Sent from my SM-T210


As Stants said really I know it's a ******, but you have to admit it does keep life interesting doesn't it :D 


I guess it doesn't have to be from that exact part just needs to be a perm feed and switched feed which can be from the !Removed! lighter or Stereo... any suggestions where's the easiest place to connect to then

Just thinking out loud. could i take both from back of Stereo?


easiest place will always be anything around the center console upto the clock. If thats where you will be fitting it.


Never used them so can't comment I'm old school and use spade connectors and electrical tape :D 

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