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 I changed the spark plugs on my mk3 2.0RX today, and forgot to plug the MAF plug in before starting the car. I now have the EML and vehicle dynamics lights on and the cruise control light flashing intermittently - having looked on Youtube this seems to be a standard warning light sequence. Is there any way of cancelling the lights without using a code reader. If not where is the OBD port located?

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OBD is normally under the steering wheel on Subarus.  On older cars there is a short sequence to clear the codes that involves connecting a pair of plugs in the footwell then driving at 11mph for 100 yards, or something similar, but I've never needed to do it on a modern Impreza so I have no idea if the same will work with your car.  I would imagine it is possible without special equipment or having to disconnect the Battery for an hour or two.

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Thanks Adam. From what you said, is it possible that disconnecting the Battery for a couple of hours might clear them? The Battery was disconnected for about an hour when I changed the nearside plugs. The lights came on when I started the car on (first) changing the offside plugs (to check everything was OK)!

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