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Everything posted by Steve

  1. @Gambit will pm you @AlexFilms no worries mate
  2. @Gambit gimme a few mins
  3. @Gambit hmmm.. are you sure.. taking a look.
  4. i have changed that setting :)
  5. your welcome mate. Take a look in the account settings as well. drop down top right. If you cannot get it then I could have another go.
  6. there is a way to change this.. still finding my way about the new forum software, it's totally different in the back end. To find the topics u have not seen then in the activity stream you look at the unread content. You can set up your own stream to suit as well.
  7. i have turned off the follow feature for you, so everytime you post or create a new topic it wont subscribe you. U may get the odd one or two for a while but should stop also set it 1 per week. Adding a face email means you wont get notification if you get a PM
  8. should send now once per day mate.
  9. @AlexFilms there should be mate.. you can have them sent once a day in a digest. Let me sort that for you mate
  10. also, you can now target people by using the @Gambit sign.. similar to facebook.
  11. dont forget to customise your profile header mate :)

    1. Gambit


      Cheers mate didn't know could do that I will have a play around shortly :) 

  12. Still working on sections as we speak.
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