Hi guys just wondering if anyone could help me in the Cumbria vicinity, the mechanics in my neck of the woods are f####g useless, I've had a starter motor fitted, they didn't tighten up the boost pipes,ended up with a terrible boost leak, recently had a downpipe fitted by a so called WRX specialist, only put two nuts on the Turbo flange side leaving one missing,didn't tighten up the mid pipe end sufficient so it was rattling around,and leaking terriblydidn't put the donut gasket and spring bolts on , so got in touch with Scooby world who sent me a new donut gasket, took the car to two garages today and was told to come back when I have the right gasket for it, not realising the donut gasket fits inside the pipe and not just on the flange,so I'm left wth a donut gasket,a downpipe attached to the midpipe with rigid bolts and a crappy flat gasket,it rattles, I'm sure it leaks and now sounds like a boost or exhaust leak when I floor the car, so back to my original question, does anyone know of any garages in the west Cumbria area who can fit a donut gasket , Spring bolts and fathom where the boost leaks Coming from (probably exhaust)