has anyone fitted an omex rev limiter on their car.
i have fitted one and cant get it to work.
dont know if i have wired it up wrong to the coil packs.
there are four wires. red. black. blue and black with a blue stripe.
i know the black is positive but dont know what the others are.
hi all. my name is robert. i have finally bought myself a subaru impreza after months of saving. traveled from south wales to stoke on trent to buy it.
its a 2000 sports with a sti engine fitted. has a few problems but will put it right .
loving the power. bit diferent from my seat leon 1.9 tdi.
car started to missfire. eventually stopped,and wouldnt start. thought it might be the fuel pump so i bought a new up rated one. the car started and run nice. took it for a spin,and about a mile down the road it done it again. wont start again.