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Everything posted by Duffsaw

  1. Hi All, Can I convince anyone to reply with some advice on the below?
  2. HI All, Hope you are well. I have a 2017 Subaru Outback here in Ireland. And I was looking to update the head unit/infotainment system/maps etc. Is it possible to do this with a USB and if so, can anyone point me to the right location to get the correct update file? Either that, or does anyone have a suggestion for a unit to fit and replace this, so as to have a more modern interface with android in particular, with all the bells and whistles? any help gratefully received!
  3. Hi All, Hope Ye are well. I have recently sold my 2012 diesel Forester, and bought a 2017 diesel Outback. The Outback is an auto gearbox. I've had it about a week. and have noticed a slightly metallic sound, like light metal rubbing maybe?? when i am driving off, not right at the initial movement, but within a few seconds of taking off.. any ideas? I'm not too familiar with the sounds and running of the CVT transmission yet, so want to check. thanks for any help and advice, its much appreciated
  4. Hi All. I've a 2012 Forester 2.0D, with 260k kilometres on the clock. It's been trouble free I have to say. But over the last couple of weeks, I've noticed a change in her sound, a rough swish maybe, and the black smoke is very strong now. Almost painting herself black at the back bumper. I've had the intercooler checked, and no leaks or cracks. Any ideas??
  5. Thanks for the reply Greenmamba. I hadn't thought of the balancing, as usually you can feel that, and see it in the tyres over what is now 3-4 weeks, probably?? As for the turning issue, not that I've noticed, and its strangely not gotten worse yet...strange one to me at least at this point.
  6. Afternoon All, Hope Ye are well. I have a 2012 Forester 2.0D, with 250k+ on it. Very reliable I must admit. I recently started to hear a vibration sound, coming from her at higher speeds. It continues when I disengage drive, and is running in line with wheel speed. I wonder could it be the beginnings of a wheel bearing?? Or how do they normally sound when going, and do they take long to fail? Its been the case for about 3-4 weeks now... Or are there normal/regular things Ye think I should check in a case like this? There have been no leaks, and servicing is very regular. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated
  7. Hi Melissa, Sorry to hear of your troubles. But it can be sorted. I got a company here to remove the DPF and remap the system to take account of the removal, and thus no need for burns and dropping fuel anywhere etc. It has worked great for me, in that the problem is sorted, at a reasonable cost. no loss of power or performance issues. All good so far. I keep her serviced very regularly, and she is back to be the reliable fun car it had been up to that point. Hope this helps
  8. Hi Judd, Your eyes are correct. And yes, I am very happy. Smoother ride, a bit. Plus, the weather we have been having on these Islands lately, have made it worthwhile, when going up the hills to play... 😉
  9. Hi All, I have a 2012 Forester SH, and I am having some trouble with the Bluetooth through the standard radio. It has a regular crack/ticking while on a call, and I think it could be cutting calls off also. So I was considering getting a standalone Bluetooth kit, but don't like extra's floating about the cab. So just thought of possibly changing out the radio itself. Its a regular double DIN radio unit isn't it? Can I stick any double din unit in there? Any recommendations?
  10. Hi All, I eventually took the plunge and bought black wheels. Happy with the result. So much so I plant get the front grill and door handles powder coated black, so sync things up...or maybe I am loosing the run of myself...;-)
  11. Thanks Gents, appreciate those answers. I didn't realise the ride might be better on 16's. another plus. I have the size mentioned, and have been running Michelin Cross Climate+ for the past couple of years. A fantastic tyre I must say. But wouldn't mind doing a winter set with the new rims I plant to buy, and then get my own wheels refurbed for summer... Thanks Again Lads!
  12. HI All, I have a 2012 SH Forester Diesel, and it still has the stock wheels it came with, sample pic attached. As the finish is degrading fairly badly at this point, I am thinking of getting some new rims. Before I took out the tape measure to check, I researched the standard wheel size, and it was supposed to be 7Jx17 ET48 offset. When I took out the tape measure, cause it didn't seem right, the width of the stock wheel is 8 inches?! So I have 225 55 17R tyres at present. So as I am looking around now, I am wondering what is best to get. Does anyone know if I reduce to 16 inch rims, will the rotors and calipers still have room? Just toying with several options. Was maybe thinking of adding ore rubber, with the smaller rim, but then i do a lot of commuting also, 100km a day round trip, and only some off road.. Any thoughts...? Or anyone any experience in this area?
  13. Great Gents, thanks for that. Its stock, no changes made prior to me, and I haven't made any changes bar maintenance. I understood it SHOULD have been the viscous centre diff, and glad it seems to be as should. As being a farmer, it gets tested somewhat... 😉 Its reaching about the 240000km mark. Anything I should put on the To Do list Gentlemen?
  14. Hi All, I had reason to have the forester on a lift today, and the guy lifted the wheels clear of contact with the ramps altogether. When spinning the back wheel on one side, it moved the front wheel, and vice versa. Is this normal, a good or bad sign?same happened both sides. Just never seen it before
  15. HI All, I have a 2012 SH Diesel Forester, with approx 240k on the clock. I have recently had the DPF removed, and the EGR valve done, with the required re-mapping. I was wondering if, as I have a little blue smoke happening, and the odd misfire...could I have an injector issue. How long should I expect to get from the injectors, and are they much of a job to replace?
  16. Thanks Jay, I get what you're saying, thanks for the input. I will keep that in mind, and it could sway me to leave it alone.
  17. Greetings Earthlings... I have a 2012 diesel Forester, SH model. wondering if anyone has mapped one for more BHP? and if so, how it went? Anyone any reason for doing or not doing this? And going from the stock 150 BHP, what has anyone done, or would do happily? Thanks for any thoughts, they are all welcome.
  18. Hi All, I have a 2012 Forester Diesel SH. and I would like to add a few bits and pieces. I must admit, I like the look of some of the US off road foresters, and wouldn't mind doing something along those lines. But trying to find accessories on this side of the pond isn't that easy. and worse still here in Ireland. Is there anyone in the UK, supplying things like wheel arch flares, nothing mental, just an inch or two, but specific to the forester? Also, I wouldn't mind changing the wheels for something darker and more rugged. But finding it hard to get something that fits, as I don't want to do a lift or anything, as it is still me daily commuter. I would just like to butch it up a little. Also, anyone know where to get something better for the front grill than the stock plastic chrome thing on it now..? Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated
  19. Thanks Mr B, much appreciated. Thats one less thing to worry about, i hope 😉
  20. Morning All, I have a 2012 Forester 2.0D. There is a visible belt on the front of the engine, but I am not sure this is the timing belt. Does my version have a timing belt or chain please Ladies and Gents? She has 235k onboard, running well, only for a DPF issue. but otherwise, as I intend to keep her, I want to provide the correct TLC, as you'll understand. And I don't see timing belt mentioned in the service record... All help greatly appreciated, and apologies for the amateur's question...
  21. Hi All, This issue has raised its head again. After only another short period. I am seriously thinking of removing the DPF and getting the ECU remapped. Has anyone done this? Any recommendations either way from anyone, whether to do it or not? BTW, I am also looking into changing the wheels, and maybe changing some trim like the front grill etc. Any recommendations of good sites for gear, maybe even chip guards for the bonnet... Like the look some of the off road community on YouTube have for their forester's. And i want to keep her now, as wouldn't get a lot for her in a trade in anyway.
  22. Great info Mr B, and thanks for the reply. I will investigate the soot on DPF so at earliest opportunity
  23. Evening All, Firstly, i realize this issue gets ran over a good few times here, but I still haven't managed to glean the info I was hoping for. So, if you will suffer my questions, I would appreciate your advice and experience. I have a 2012 2ltr turbo diesel Forester, 233000km, here in Ireland. Well maintained, more by myself now, as she gets older, and less valuable. At present, my plan is to keep her, until she leaves me, in pieces... I love it! She has been very reliable, and runs great, no issues, until this popped up recently. In June, i had the DPF light come on. I done a small bit of research, and rather than start messing about, I thought as it was her first time showing this, it was likely genuine, and called the lads in the local Subaru dealership. Good Lads to be fair. They found the fault was oil dilution, and the car needed a Regen. They carried this out, but explained, as i was now servicing myself, i hadn't been resetting the oil change counter, and said it needed a computer reset anyway. I was unaware this needed to be done. Anyway, the oil level was very high, and as they were slotting me in between people to help me out, they just dropped some out, and said i should change oil myself at next opportunity, which I did on the following weekend. All good so. But only 6 weeks later and about 2-3000km only, the DPF light comes on again, for a couple of days, then goes out for a couple more, then comes on again, and stays on. I called the guys again, who dutifully, slipped me in, checked it out, oil dilution again, not soot, and reset it for me. Told me to check oil level, and it is again high, and I will need to lower/change it again. At this point, I asked about removing the DPF, if that is the route cause, and not completing regen's, thus dumping fuel into the oil, unsuccessfully. They said it can work, by drilling out the DPF, as replacement is very costly. But will this stop the system/ECU dumping fuel into the oil to do a Regen, or will this carry on? I suppose my question is, does anyone know what ACTUALLY triggers the fuel getting dropped into the oil, and will removal of the DPF stop this problem from occurring into the future?
  24. Hi, Sorry, don;t be on here much, as so far, my 2012 2.0 diesel forester has been bulletproof! I got in the other day, to find my engine light, and traction control light, are on solid, orange. No change in car performance that i can notice. I looked about online to find it 'might' be a maf sensor, and to clean and reset using battery disconnect. which i did, but it cam back on within a couple of drives. Can anyone tell me what this might be please? BTW, anyone know where i might get a new driver-side sun visor?? mine is intent on dropping at every bump in the road...getting old like myself! 😉
  25. its the original keys, and i've asked at the garage, and they've said it shouldn't need re coding. so is there another weakness in the keys that it could be? anyone had a similar issue? i've checked the battery and the key, and no obvious damage, so i'm at a loss.
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