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Pork chop

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Everything posted by Pork chop

  1. Cheers savage πŸ‘,Need to make myself some more patch panel cardboard I'm running out 🍺
  2. Hand planished repair panels ahoy πŸ€ͺ
  3. Rust repairs continue!πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
  4. Hi savage, pullers were a bargain mate just over Β£40 brilliant I had to make a plate to go over the wheel studs tho . https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264017406153
  5. Removed rear hubs with great difficulty I might add ! Ebay spesh 15ton hydraulic pullers, copious amounts of plus gas and heat finally 21 year old splines released phew😬😜
  6. Thx Jay that looks like it might just have what I need mucho grazias😁😁
  7. Yes I've also snapped the sensor bolts mattb and I can see me replacing the sensors 😒 those plus tone rings .. stuff is starting to add up πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘
  8. I been looking at the lateral link bolt and Bush kits on icp those bad boys took me 5 hrs to get out lmao, I kinda have to restore it really I struck a deal with its previous owner he let me have it for Β£500 providing I got it sorted πŸ˜œπŸ‘ not bad really considering it's only got 46k on the clock . Appreciate the help dude cheers🍻
  9. Thx savage I'll defo check out the fb page. I already bought the rear quarter repair panels and sills off fleebay and I've started making new panels for the underside of the boot floor where it joins with the arches . I'm gonna have to try some heat as I've soaked the sensors in plus gas for a couple of days and they're still not budging . Thx again dude πŸ‘
  10. Thanks guys for the welcome I'm just stripping down the rear end so I can get to the turret tops and inner arches atm, n I'm reconning any of the parts I can to re-use as I go. Already run into my first snag the rear abs sensors are solid! Lol
  11. Hi guys I thought it was about time I joined you as I'm doing up my UK turbo 2000. Anyone know what manuals are available (like Haynes workshop) ? It's a 1998 model tq 😁
  12. Hi guys I thought it was about time I joined you as I'm doing up my UK turbo 2000. Anyone know what manuals are available (like Haynes workshop) ? It's a 1998 model tq 😁
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