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  • Location:
    West Midlands
  • Interests
    Fanny and Turbo's
  • Subaru Model
    2002 Impreza STi Type UK Prodrive Style Edition

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  1. Hehe hear you loud on FM.. cannot beat the scooby rumble and the power delivery. Not even my V70R which has been modded compares to the Bug 😉!! Luckily the bloke I brought her from advised she has a stage 2 clutch and lighted flywheel.. save some dosh there! But yes, most definitely I will be looking in your builds my good sir!
  2. Thanks Savage for the confirmation and the upgrade routes!! Legend!
  3. I have seen worse man.. I got faith in ya 💪🏾 The majority of it just seems like surface rust?
  4. 🤣.. In an open deck engine the cylinders are left unsupported and stand alone from the block itself, this is great for cooling but not strength. ... Finally, a closed deck engine has metal support all around the cylinder walls near the head. This gives closed deck engines the ability to handle big power and last much longer. over engineered 😉!
  5. Funky looking cars I agree but, the best in my eyes!! ... biased I own one lol 😊 But forged engine from factory, 6 speed gearboxes .... over engineered the 2.0 Lump with the Closed Deck!! From what read, bigger fuel pump, 3 inch exhaust all the way through and a solid remap ... got us an solid daily pushing a healthy 310/320 BHP - I do wonder if we could push more considering the forged internals... Feel free to correct me anyone!!.. I am new to Subarus and learning along the way 😊
  6. Hey Pal!! Welcome, Always a pleasure to see another Bugeye... she cleaned up good aye!?!
  7. Knightmexx I'm a FPS beast lol.. used to play competitively in my younger days. Counter Strike - All of them. Doom - The Ole and New DayZ Mod - EPOCH Chivalry. The list goes on 🤣... 150 games! But if recently been playing Rome Total War 2 (DEI mod)
  8. Cheers pal, put me at ease!.. Appreciated!
  9. Hey All, Can someone please advise, if the temperature gauge position is correct? It sits there at that same spot, after warming up, gentle driving and giving her the beans... lol. On my 98 V70 R, the gauge sits bang on in the middle... yet to inspect the Thermostat etc but thought I'll get an second opinion before I start looking..
  10. 🤣... bet he was in the dog for a while lol. Jay, those alloys are amazing 👌🏽!
  11. 😉🤣... brilliant!!
  12. Thank you go the good advice ! Cheers !!
  13. Thanks Mate, I was thinking regular oil services and filters would be a must with these high performance cars.. Can you recommend intervals? I was thinking every 6/8K.
  14. Hey All, Purchased my first Subaru 2 days ago, a 2002 Impreza STi Type UK Prodrive Style Edition. I am new and learning along the way - expect silly questions guys so forgive me in advanced lol! Looking forward to meeting you all when meet ups happen. Until stay safe all and enjoy the fantastic weather!! Bugeye Loc. Picture of me baby - still yet to name lol:
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