Ok cool sounds good to me, il get my !Removed! out of bed early, Saturday nights i drive down to Dartford tunnel, so hope they get my trailer unloaded quicker so i can get back and finished earlyer. Thank u again Adam.
Hi Adam leave it this week mate, dont want to course u any probs, plus lighting is crap at night and the weather is going to be crap this week. I can sort out a tarp roof for us, but as i said dont want to course any probs mate.
Lol no im ex army been a truck driver for the last 11 years, i just love doing and making things with my hands. So yes Miggs i can draw something up, u c the rocks in the viv i made, thats all expansion foam covered in red sand. Its only pink as my daughter wanted it in her room. Lol
idle control sounds about right as when it was idlling the revs was bouncing between 200 to 2000 rpm. And i only noticed the spitting oil after i refilled the oil as was empty.
Guys thank u so much, adam yes mate that would be great. Im not in tomorrow, and i work nights so let me know when ur free to cone over, guys thank u again.