Situation : Car was working perfectly on everyday key. With nothing to do I thought I would check all my keys (3 total) worked...big mistake!
Went through a sequence of testing the other keys to check remote locking /starting. Both were unhappy about remote locking, and starting the car after 30 seconds
Both would start the car within 30 seconds.
Then the S##t stared.
None of the keys would work the remote locking nor start the car before or after 30 seconds!
All the keys will turn on the ignition, but not turn the starter, not even pressing the button. Lots of relays clicking & buzzing when ignition switched off
All work the central locking on the lock
I tried the old trick of disconnecting the battery for a couple of minutes...brief bleep from the alarm when reconnecting, but same problem.
Car is a bit unusual It was an emergency vehicle in Jersey & was fitted with Blues & twos, computer cabling ...even Fridges! All sadly removed!
Alarm I believe is a Sigma (importer fitted) and I can find no sign of the code panel! I have the code numbers. Local indy couldn't find the panel either!
Sod it. I will go to Timpsons and see if the keys are putting out a signal. Oh, new batteries ordered, not yet arrived...but one was working fine
My trying keys with (probably)failed batteries has upset the system somehow. Anyone got any sensible ideas?