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Everything posted by BlackBosh

  1. I hear you on the MPG front Im actually glad theres no comp now I enjoy it much more, I just track it on fillips so I know how much its costing me a month(still less than some mates finance deals). My last car was a Corsa VXR bags of fun but no grip and having a trip computer meant I felt guilty after every little blast and when I wasn't driving it properly I was taking it so steady I had all sorts up my chuff I had some real fun in it today and got it rather dirty. tomorrow I'm off looking for some green lanes... because rally car B)
  2. Actually after re thinking that one, would it not run rich slightly as it would think there was more air than there is?
  3. MAF will only be giving an incorrenct reading momentarily after it has vented then the air will be replaced, I have an AFR gauge and I am never lean when on throttle sits at ~14.4-5 at cruise
  4. WHEN IS IT GOING TO SNOW?! I can't wait to have my first play in the snow with AWD
  5. If it's got fsh then surely there will be something relating to the damage and what had to be repaired, a good starter for making your own decisions before a full inspection. I had a CAT C once and it wasn't till I had the wheels aligned after lowering I discovered it had a mahoosive thrust angle and was effectively crabbing down the road. Just something for you to bare in mind
  6. I'll be up for coming to both events however the first one is going to be a last minute as to knowing whether I can deffo attend.
  7. My blob WRX is better on fuel than my mates old 2.0 N/A sport
  8. ...and theres always the argument that subaru approved the PPP when it came to warranty claims
  9. Thats the thing I've heard how much ppp or mapping and equivalent mods really transforms these motors its just weighing up difference in cost
  10. Id recommend an adjustable one like mine, after i stripped it, gave it a clean and re set it up again its fantastic an no running trouble. Previous owner prob didn't know you could take it apart
  11. Thanks, do you have one of your profile pic? Cant wait for the scooby garage near me to get all the new models in again
  12. I am always tempted to rock up to prodrive in banbury and see if theres anything they offer to private customers
  13. If hes 3rd owner dots see why not, im 3rd owner on mine an its got stuff with it my old (newer vauxhalls) didnt still have if you know what i mean
  14. There up north so when im back ill post screen shots so you can have a look
  15. I had another look and they look silver now not gold (must be the light) nothing to do with markets its just first time i saw it thought it looked odd. Whats the PPP take a wrx up to then 260hp?
  16. Ha Im sure that would go down a treat with the MOD. Ive got the workshop technical guides in pdf format for all models up to 06 on disc if anyones interested in them i can put them on a file share
  17. So does this not affect me with having an aftermarket alarm? Will it have been disabled?
  18. Silver Hawk STI going slooow in first lane got a flash letting me in
  19. Ive just noticed the wing mirror. Whats going on there? Is it just a bit of Japanese styling?
  20. Looks a beast, good colour as well. I have a friend in a similar situation with his partner doing a test in an auto. Though he may use it to his advantage so she can never get her hands on his scoob lol
  21. You're such a joker gambit
  22. Every days a school day
  23. Would the early failure be due to increased chance of detonation due to higher compression ratio putting strain on weaker bearings? Im still learning
  24. Hi there, what car you got?
  25. Speaking of fuel rather pleased with last fill up of 29mpg def beats my first one of 16
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