Not only vauxhalls but last one was and second car is a nice spa star diesel, where abouts northyorkshire are you, as I'm bottom end
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if a Boy racer pulls up and looks like he wants a go just laugh and don't rise to it, he'll feel like a tool for steaming away from the lights and will still not have a clue what power you're (not) running
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I may have missed a bit only got to page 2 but if he keeps bidding on your **** and dont want him to be the winner let us bid on them save you the hassle if he then disputes and try's to get you in **** i know its a !Removed! around but its a big !Removed! you to him
shh people didn't need to know that, in response to me being swervey at points it was because i had it toeing out like ducks feet ive lessened it now but kept most of its pointability
Will have another crack may set a quick lap not worrying about being dirty without cutting corners to see what i can realistically aim for, and have my heart rate monitor going as well just for !Removed!