So latest chapter..heads blown on impreza so sold a lemon by someone on here.
Gutted cant believe someone would do that to another human being.
Now ive a car i paid £3300 drove for 1hour and spent money on it to be on the back of a lorry.
Finally made its last trip on the lorry to a chap called Andy Hinamen of AR Racing based 10mins from my flat whos a friend of a friend and known subaru god.Running 500bhp in his own scooby.Straight away told me head blown so he is going to tear her apart and bring her back to life.
Cosworth gaskets arp bolts fueling ecu check and everything in between.also gives a 5,000mile warrenty on all his work.
Now im not putting a figure up as it may well be mates rates but its under £1,300
so in his words she will be future proof when i get her back.
Next friday i hope to be driving her home all going well.
If you need a scooby specialist who knows them.inside out i can direct you his way.
More to follow im sure.