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Everything posted by tje

  1. Yeah. I know from October it's a DD thing. But January after Christmas, when the MOT is due and going to Thailand, for my sisters wedding not the lady boys, means funds will be shirt that time of year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah my spoiler looks like some kind if dragon has shat on it. Looks like a the bird has bowel problems. Got my number plate fitted and had my front wheels refurbished today. Then have her a tank full of 99ron and worked out I've done 33.7mpg over the last tank full. I do wonder if my orange warning light works properly. Sometimes comes on and I can only get 46 litres in her. Today managed to get 48 and the light wasn't even on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. At least the new golf is only £20 a year. Turbo and supercharged little 1.4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I'm currently using meguires clay kit, poorboys black, poorboys polish with caranuba wax and some colonite expensive wax. When that's low I'll give that a try. Also got this today :( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Spent a good few hours trying to polish my terd of paintwork. Looks slightly better now. But being black it shows every car park ding and stone chip it's ever collected in it's 96k miles. Also the number plate fell off :( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. tje

    CEL light.

    I've been using dash command. I'm up to 33mpg according to fuelly website. But only 26-27 on dash command. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I just picked dead bird out the front of the car. Looks like I avoided any damage. Temps have been fine. The bird had gone all crispy though. Temps have been the same. Looks as though I was lucky and it got mashed down underneath it. Woo! Has prompted me to order a lower grill for the car! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I gave a mate a lift. Hit a bird at about 100 leptons. And it's gone at the rad. Half of it is infront and half behind. Looks like it squashed through at the bottom. What's best way to check for damage? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. tje

    CEL light.

    Gambit can you link me to it? Can't find it on the App Store. That is if your with an iphone or you on android? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. tje

    CEL light.

    I'll give that a try too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. tje

    CEL light.

    I've got it. Works perfectly with dash command. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Dropped my Scooby off at the dealer for a new O2 sensor and to see if they can replace my drivers electric window switch which is broken. Been given a 63 plate xv while they fix mine, which is rather nice. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I wouldn't have thought something like that would need public liability insurance. The club is not providing anything there, so there's nothing that the club can be liable for, apart from a field to stand in. Can you see if they would accept everyone signing a waiver before entering that they do so at their own risk?
  14. tje

    CEL light.

    What app would work with that wifi dongle? Just ordered one so hopefully will get it the start of next week.
  15. tje

    CEL light.

    What's a good wifi obd reader going to cost?
  16. tje

    CEL light.

    It was an O2 sensor bank 1 sensor 1. It's getting replaced on Friday They tried clearing the code and it just made it crank for a good 10 seconds before firing. And CEL was still on and code was still there. I don't have a turbo so can't be the boost pipe :( The engineer was saying it'll probably be a code for a missing turbo whilst trying to persuade me to buy a blue STi on the forecourt haha Looks as though it'll be free of charge replacement as I got it in February from them. The det and lean, would that be effected by fuel? I've been running Tesco 99 Ron while there's the fuel save voucher thing going on. Thanks guys
  17. tje

    CEL light.

    Thanks man. Off to the dealership tomorrow.
  18. tje

    CEL light.

    I know it sounds silly. But would a faulty drivers window cause a CEL light? Y drivers window stopped working. Now it's working again but not very well. It will only go all the way up or down. The CEL came on at WOT as I was passing a skoda. Changed just before 7k rpm
  19. Anyone near Cambridge or Ely with a code reader? It seems to be driving fine so don't mind driving. Just don't want to go too far
  20. Gave the inside a good clean out with no products just clothes. Getting tints done tomorrow and the guy said not to use an silica products. Also tried to figure out what's behind the boot liner that's rattling with my new subs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. So this weekend I decide the single ten inch sub wasn't powerful enough or loud enough. Went and got myself twin 12" subs with a mono block amp to match. 400rms on each, peak of 1200. Sadly once you start to crank it up the bootlid and, all thought my 100% sure, the rear quarter panels make a horrific rattle. I've given it a google. Some people swear by dynomat, others say it's a waste of money. Others suggest insulation or the expanding foam stuff. One even said cut up socks and stick them in gaps and places. Has anyone got any tips or tricks on how to stop/reduce this? Thanks. Tim Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. You'll sleep much better when it's on your driveway Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Now I've seen it I think I might go red. Matt have you got a pic of the mini mudflaps? £10 sounds like a bargain
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