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Everything posted by dezmond_vr6

  1. cheers guys yea over time i'll be gettin so wider wheels gona get rota grids. i was just wondering really the work involved in gettin an 03 sti to a wide track that was all. as im gona be putting the wide track bumper and rear arches on over time it just gives it that bit better look cheers
  2. hi guys can u give me your view on spacer please. also are they safe? it doesnt get rallied about through corners and its just a car i enjoy. im lookin to get the wheels more flush with the wings. in time i'll hopefully put the wide track hubs on if thats what i need to make it wider slightly but i'll have to look that up and do some research coz im unsure what i need to do to basically make it a wide track. thank for the help in advance
  3. so far jolly green monster said 660 wel after 350 for the exhaust it hardly seems worth it to me. i could get the full performance package from scooby world for jus over 1k. i'll keep lookin and emailing. iv emailed the other 2 aswell hope for a better answer haha
  4. Cheers ppl
  5. U no of a good place to get it mapped and sett up. Scooby world is quite a way from me. I'm in East Yorkshire.
  6. Not a fan of the back box on the cobra mate but not bad price shame.
  7. The miltek cat back on Scooby world is roughly same price as the afterburner. Just not the look I'm after. Oh well I'll have to have a think and see. The mapping from Scooby world is about 550 didn't think it would be that much. Once Iv paid 350 for the exhaust aswell I might aswell get the proformance package from them at 924. Crazy money tho.
  8. Also what's ur take on the miltek and the ninja 2 ?? I no the ninja doesn't have blue.
  9. To be honest guys I'm only in a prodrive spec sti and dnt want to go silly so after burner sounds good to me from what uv both said. Do they all come with the blue tip on the exhaust if rather not have that. Is it a full turbo back system or just cat back I want? Also I hope I dnt need uprated injectors and all that lot with running prodrive this it's already uprated to a degree. Only gona be doing exhaust and map to make air and fuel right. Hopefully gain abit of power from it but I suppose the main thing is better sound.
  10. Not sure as to how good the afterburner is quality and performance wise tho compared to the nur or hks that's what I'm after knowing really
  11. Has anyone done or no if u can convert a 03sti into wide track and what needs to be done? If it's a ball ache and relatively expensive I'm just gona look into getting the bumper and arch trims then some wider wheels. Thanks guys.
  12. Hi I'm just wondering which exhaust system to go for really? I'm after a nice but loud sound ( not ear bleeding ) good quality and performance. From what Iv read so far it's been nur spec, buddy club, hks ?? Also should it make much difference getting one custom made?? Alot cheeper. Ideally id like the jap look with slight angled exit. Also I no I have to get it mapped aswell not sure on prices for this?? Can I not just have it set up so fuel and air is right or is that basically a map?? Thanks in advance I no I'm posting a lot I'm just trying to get all info before trying to put to getter the car how I want it.
  13. Do u think or no if putting the wide track hubs on 03 sti will basically make it a wide track model? Is this possible or if I get wider wheels will I be able to fill the width nicely.
  14. Cheers for that info pal. I'm watching them arches already haha. I just want the standard wide track bumper if anyone can find one or swap with my sti bumper. As long as it will fit my 03 sti uk. The wheels I'm thinking of will be rota grids I think. Cheers bud
  15. yea i figured spacers are abit dangerous but who am i to no?? lol wen u look at rear of wide track the bumper is inline with the wide arch trim and basically if u put the trim on mine it would protrude past the bumper as my bumper is flush with the wing ?? i really dnt no this is why im tryin to find out. thats just how it seems to me. hopefully some one will no cheers..
  16. hi guys can anyone tell me the difference in size / width between the standard STI rear mumper and the wide track one. it seems to me that the wide track is slightly wider to accommodate the rear arch trims. also if possible if i fit the wide track bumper and arch trims how would i get the wheels to sit wider so they dnt look silly?? would i have to use spacers have to buy some new wider wheels? thanks guys
  17. Oh nice one mate cheers
  18. Yea I just wanted to come pare side by side pics. To decide that's all I'm really picky haha
  19. Gona sound a right tit here but what's an odb reader? And what softwear would I need for my phone. Will this show up if dv has a slight leak? It just feels a tad weaker under acceleration that's was all and then I noticed the gauge and my mind started ticking. Haha. It may be that now Iv had it a couple of months that's I dnt notice the power anymore.
  20. oh right i see well im not too sure just yet then mate. am i right in thinking if its got a leak then its gona change how the fuel is fed into the car. abit like changing ur airfilter or exhauset?? in which case could be over/under fueling the car resulting in damaging bottom or top end?
  21. guys is there any chance u have or can find a good pic of the mini mudflaps and the bigger ones on cars so i can compare and see which i want. i just cant find any
  22. what u mean by mechanical gauge mate? im so new to the turbos. just bought it with it and iv fitted DV. like i say it just seems that little bit less power but it might well not be and once i saw the gauge at different point it just had me wondering if im losing boost or had a leake
  23. this is it today. i only started her up and was running for 10 mins. didnt move it and hasnt been moved for few days. basically im sure wen i just had the normal recirc on it was idling 2 notches less than this. this seems particuly high today its normaly one notch less with the DV on. am i right in thinking that this is somehow leaking there for losing power?
  24. Sorry yes I have contacted them only last night tho. Askin the question so hopefully that will be fine. Gambit no mate I could only see blue with pink but I'm after blue with red I no it's a farce and not much difference but red sti badges on car needs red on mudflaps lol the little things ;)
  25. iv had a good luck guys again no blue ones with the red sti the only do them with pink sti? gutted. really want the red sti part they do red sti on all the others just not with the blue. does anyone have pictures of scooby with the mini mudflaps u can buy and also of the normal ones so i can compare the look cheers
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