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Everything posted by dezmond_vr6

  1. Oh nice one. Well I see if I manage to fine them with the red or if anyone can send me a link to some if not I might have to give u a shout. Cheers
  2. Does anyone know please??
  3. can anyone help me find the blue budflaps and red sti please. i can only find the ones with pink white gold. 03 plate blobeye please. cheers
  4. If it is leaking slightly will that make the boost gauge sit higher or lower?
  5. Ok will do pal cheers. No it all seems to run and idle properly. It decided to have a little flutter with idling on one single occasion within the first day of having it on. Pulled unit petrol stayin stopped at pump and it just jumped idle to bout 1k and that was it. As if I'd just tapped throttle. I was told wen first putting it on that I'd know if it's leaking because of idle and also my boost gauge would move. Well that does sometimes twitch like a millimetre either way on gauge but to be honest I couldn't tell u if it did before I put it on!!
  6. Was just wondering if having hks ssqv fitted it can reduce my power? The car seems to idle properly and runs fine as fare as I'm aware but it feels to me as it's slightly less power that it used to. Just doesn't seem the same but I could just be getting used to it now as I'm Farely new to having the car. Any input would be appreciated cheers
  7. I obviously read that pal but unable to find anything online hence why I asked for a link.
  8. Thanks they actually look really good that's great. Iv asked on his link but do u no we're he had this done. Thanks guys.
  9. Can I get a link to the ppl that did this for u please pal or anywere else that does this. Thanks.
  10. Vinyl dnt look real from what iv seen and can u actually get dipped carbon look? Gambit do u have a link to that mate? Cheers
  11. hi im just wondering if u can get these in carbon anywere??? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331045541824?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT also is there any website that sells carbon bits for 03 sti at good cheap prices has to be one out there somewere ;) cheers
  12. Dnt think this one is a spring is it? It seems to already have one filter in looks but like the shape of Mercedes badge. If I took that out should be a more deeper sound would u think.
  13. Is ther any way I can change this pitch of the dump valve? They are very high pitch I would like to have it abit more deeper sound if can change it at all. Cheers
  14. So Iv got it on and all working fine so far. Not been on a run with it yet tho. One thing is that it's a very high pitch sound. How can I go about making the sound deeper? I no u can change something that changes the sound.
  15. Now Iv looked properly at it and your pictures it makes more sence and now I think I could do it pretty easily. It's literally 2 bolts and bung one pipe then attach one pipe and it's done but I'll wait till Tomoz to be safe. Like I say the only think I dnt have is like a gasget which I would have thought I'd have needed to go between the 2 plates wen attaching it and tightening the 2 bolts?? What do u think??
  16. Just had a good look the DV is already mounted to the triangle fitting what I dnt have if I'm suppose to is a gasget for the fitting not sure if it's ment to have one between the fitting and the part it bolts too??
  17. As for the kit I dnt have that flange I'm sure of it. And on the description it tell u to remove the black hard piping that runs across the inter cooler just above the recirc valve on the picture. Tomoz someone is going to look at it for me.
  18. Oh right I dnt want to be using that then lol. Just didn't realise is all. Cheers
  19. Thanks bud I'll look into this. Quick question what's the difference between blow off valve Iv got and waste gate the do??
  20. Cheers bud appreciate the help.
  21. Yea pal can't remember what it said now 03 - 07 new age think somet like that. I gave the reg number aswell in description. U think Iv got wrong one??
  22. No didn't get one of them pal. But the instructions shows that u take the original off and use the plate it's one for the hks?? Not sure at all they arnt thorough enough for me to do it lol. Gutted coz it's sat there. Will get it done this week just hope what Iv got is the full kit. Got it from scoobyworld it does say it comes with the relative fitting kit for each model. Sure it does. http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=47_61&products_id=1237
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