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Everything posted by Shifty

  1. Subaru quoted me £299 hence the diy job. For £80 quid I'd get them to do it.
  2. My Outback aircon was a tad feeble when I bought the motor. After scaring myself with a main stealer's quote to service and regas I started to look into using a DIY regas kit. Got one for £25 delivered complete with charging hose and pressure gauge :). Followed the idiot proof instructions and now my Doris is complaining it blows too cold. Took 20 minutes from start to finish and its still going strong two weeks later. Got the kit from these peeps although their prices seem to have gone up during the hot weather. I have no affiliation with them just saying it worked for me and saved a bundle of beer tokens as well. oooops forgot to add the linky http://www.aircontopup.com/
  3. Just downloaded the software and ordered a cable (£5.95 inc p+p) so I'll let you know how I get on when it arrives.
  4. Just called my local Subaru dealer and they confirmed the recall. My 05 Outback is going in next Wednesday for inspection and rectification if necessary. I've got nowt from the DVLA or Subaru UK HQ so thanks for the heads up. Apparently its the rear four way brake pipe union that corrodes and needs checking or changing. My MOT man never said anything so I'm assuming mine is not to bad.
  5. Danboy does it do it at low throttle settings? You can try jacking the front wheels off the ground and giving them a good hard tug outwards. Sometimes it seems to reseat the CV balls and can stop the clicking but only if they are slightly worn. If they click at low throttle full lock then they are on their way out. Consider changing them or getting them overhauled as if one goes at speed it can lock the wheel which is not funny.
  6. Hi peeps. For years I have been removing or blanking off the EGR valves on my diesel Landrovers and works vans. The engines run smoother and believe it or not the MPG is improved over a few tanks worth of fuel. Must be because they are not breathing all that filthy exhaust. Is this something that can be easily done on a 2.5 non turbo Outback motor? Are there any drawbacks to doing this on a petrol motor? I have found what I believe is the EGR valve on the top of the head on the right hand side of the motor as you look at it from the front. I'm assuming there is an internal gallery in the head that connects the exhaust to the inlet as there is no sign of a feeder pipe from the exhaust manifold? Any thoughts and ideas would be much appreciated. Let the discussion begin. Cheers Shifty aka Steve
  7. In my experience most electrical/sensor faults are merely dirty contacts and simply unplugging and reconnecting the appropriate connector is often enough to clear the problem for a short while. I always clean my connectors with spray carb/brake cleaner and dry with comprssed air before spending on new sensors etc. Its easy and cheap as changing some sensors can be an expensive game. I also use a smear of vaseline on the connectors to prevent corrosion. Just dont use copper grease as it is conductive and speeds corrosion between disimillar metals when electrical current flows.
  8. If you decide to do it yourself the important rule is to ALWAYS turn the engine over by hand for several revolutions before attempting to use the starter. That way you wont bend or break anything if you get the timing wrong. Never go straight for the starter as it will take no prisoners and you could be looking at an expensive rebuild.
  9. Thats the same one I have. Its paid for itself more than once.
  10. Another thing to look out for is wear in the front CV joints. Easy way to tell is to open the windows and pull away from stationary on full lock with a bit of welly. Do this in both directions a few times. If they are starting to wear you will hear a distinct clicking noise. If they do it at low throttle then they need changing urgently.
  11. Apparently this is caused by a minute break in one or more of the heated elements sometimes caused by a scratch or the like. This causes interference to be generated at the break point which is picked up by the nearby radio antena wires embedded in the screen. The antena is bonded into the rear screen but it is actually separate from the heating elements with no physical connection. I'm told the fix is to find the break in the heating element(s) and using some conductive paint fix the break by bridging the two disconnected ends. If you carefully clean and mask the glass before painting the fix is virtually invisible once the tape is removed. The hard bit is finding exactly where the break may be especially if its not that visible. I'll let you know how I get on and whether the above works. Cheers for all the suggestions.
  12. Hi. Not been around for a while due to work and domestics but just recently I've noticed that my radio reception goes to pot when the heated rear screen is switched on in my 05 Outback. I assume that the heated element is also the aerial but is this a common issue and is there a simple fix? Not found anything useful on google. Fingers crossed one of you nice peeps has come across the problem and even better sorted it. Thanks Shifty aka Steve
  13. First of many to follow. Wheels have been scratched to hell by loose snow chains but other than that I reckon its as near to mint as a 2005 used motor could be. Considering getting them refurbed. Leather interior is as new with genuine Subaru FSH. Just done a major service and changed all belts fluids filters. Just waiting for new set of poly suspension bushes and that should be that for a few years.
  14. Ok. Camera playing up and wont upload from SD card but found this one lurking on my 'puter. Its my motor and not a library image. More to follow when I sort out things. Cheers Shifty.
  15. Cheers for the links. Pics to follow this weekend.
  16. Thanks for that. Its only a few miles from me but could not make Sunday gone. Will try harder for the next one. Am loving this forum already as everyone seems quite friendly and welcoming.
  17. Cheers. Just missed my local meet on Sunday so am aiming for the next one. Should be easy to spot all the Scoobys parked up.
  18. Hi. Been busy with work but pics to follow this weekend!
  19. Hi. Just bought a mint 05 2.5 Outback with less than 60k miles all verified by service book stamps and Subaru dealer confirmed as genuine. One owner and garaged from new. :) Only thing lets it down is the alloys are all scratched from loose snow chains. Not owned one until now so got a lot to learn about whats good and bad. Gonna need an exhaust before long as it seems very rusty. Anyone know where I could get a full stainless system? Cheers Shifty aka Steve
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