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Everything posted by ash96wrx

  1. I do have a code on ecu reading throttle position sensor 34 i think
  2. Right I'm having a bit of a performance issue. When i boot it she feels dlow accelerating and boost is slow..any idea's. What should i check
  3. What even tho it completely standard bar decat and induction kit
  4. Sorry to comment on my old post won't let me make a new topic. Right i was out in the scooby earlier she boosted up fine bit the acceleration and pick up was really slow . Recent work done. 2005 wrx coil pack upgrade pfr6b platinum plug's fuel filter and fuel pump
  5. In all honesty mate i love mine all i want is to enjoy it's performance and handling and just the fun and joy you get from the impreza. . But at the moment i don't love mine as it's a constant money pit but it's getting.. hopefully next year then more power ;)
  6. I won't sell mate. I'll die before I sell. But if i do it will only be to upgrade
  7. Yeah definitely. I did think about selling up, but thought well all the money I've spent may aswell get the use out of her
  8. Yea bit of a pain really :( I'll get there eventually ... i definitely know now when my mate said they are an expensive hobby. . Worth it tho.. :)
  9. I have noticed one of the coils is cracked I've spoke to Kamikaze-racing and they are upgrading the coil pack so will see after that.. Ps no worries about the late reply :)
  10. When I cleaned throttle bodie up the other week. When i start her up now she shoots up to 2k then drops to 1500 then i have to blip for it to drop also when coming to a stop it rises to 1100 then drops to normal never did it b4.. did i do something wrong when cleaning. .
  11. To the high idol the otha week. . When i start car now it shoots up to 2k then drops to 1500 and stays unless i blip throttle. Also when driving or slowing down in traffic she Rev's up a little just above 1k 1100 stays for split second tgen drops down to normal. . Did i do summat wrong when i cleaned throttle bodie. .. it's not a major problem just something I don't like lol
  12. I could do with a second car. I could do more with the scooby then
  13. Lol. Same here. On my day's off always outside wuth the car. My neighbours have started saying to me i may aswell open a garage. Lol.. i was outside today from 11am till 7pm lol
  14. All the vacuum line's are all good.. adjusted the throttle position switch all good now.. run it to temp all good.. started from cold all good.. Thanks tho
  15. Right i cleaned up the throttle bodie as it was gopin. I've put it all bk together and when I start the car hits 1500rpm the drops to 1300rpm and no more... what could it be guy's HELP.... Thanks in advance :) apology if this is in the wrong topic. .
  16. I don't know if it's a super chip just chipped as i know.. are chip and super chip different or...
  17. Not sure mate. I've still got my original on as i wanted to find out more about it..
  18. Right I've got a chipped v5 ecu for my 96 wrx import it currently has a 3b ecu . I've tryed the v5 and it boosted to 1.0 bar all good.. but what i want to know is will the car be ok if i put the v5 on.. i did switch the ecu bk over after a quick run. O and the v5 came off a 95 import.. Thanks in advance
  19. I've put mine on for now till i get some info
  20. Right got the knock sensor fitted just now right i have got a v5 ecu of a mate he said it's chipped I've fitted it and took it for a test run boost up to 1.0 bar my one a 3b went to 0.8 will the v5 be ok or shall i just put mine bk in
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