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About Nrodgers91

  • Birthday 10/16/1991

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  • Interests
    Cars n other typical man stuff!
  • Subaru Model
    2005 Impreza gx blobeye

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  1. Thanks stants I will have a look but way it's looking it may end up in the breakers it's self unless someone wants it for a wee project or spares
  2. Hi all my gx blobeye has died it still runs slightly but has terrible noise. Been in garage and have been told need new crankshaft pistons sleeves seals and that I would be cheaper buying a new engine as Labour charges would be expensive. full bottom of engine is in bad shape to be honest but I have been trying to find somewhere that I can buy all nessecary parts to fix but cannot find anywhere that sells pistons or that for my car any help? Or is this a lost cause and best to just buy a new engine ?? HELP PLEASE!!!
  3. I've PM'D you my address bud il just pay it to you if u don't mind
  4. Quality how do I go about getting it mate
  5. Gambit looking for an S.O.C front badge exact same as picture u posted up black, gold writing how much are they bud and how I get one
  6. Hey guys sorry for the late post just noticed this topic I'm just outside dunfermline in the west of fife so most of you are a good few hours away from me lol
  7. Hey gambit yeah I messaged the support and they sent one out next day mate
  8. Hey guys I received my member pack in post today only to find that the halfords card wasn't there does this get sent separate or am I just missin mine I have the paper bit that that has halfords and a subaru on front but no card? HELP PLEASE???
  9. Yeah gambit it's kl though I change it from mobile site to desktop version n worked a treat mate [emoji16]
  10. Hey I tried signing up for premium membership but non if the links are working for me
  11. If you not got fuel it's no worries man can arrange another day
  12. Lol a was wondering why you posted it twice lol
  13. Lol a was wondering why you posted it twice lol
  14. Lol just stripped it n can't find the problem so put it back the get her lol n yeah sounds good to me bud if you n Rye300 ain't busy next weekend should have a wee meet up al try mind wash ma car as it looks like it has just been dug out of the ground it's manky lol. Right man al let u get to your bed n al give you a wee message either the morn or sometime during week mate
  15. That's supposed to say sound bud not sinus lol
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