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Everything posted by Martin959

  1. Im coming from Reading, but in Saturday im going to the north to change the gearbox for an ra sti one, then going to the hotel 20 min from Donington Park... xD Anyways, we should find a place close to Donington Park... Some mall? Supermaket? Anyting?
  2. we have less than one week to find out a place to meet...
  3. Looks like... xD Ehmm... we will have to consider that is going to be A LOT OF CARS trying to do the same as we are going to do, so we should discard parkings within 5 miles to the donington park... The hotel that I booked is only 20 min from the donington park and the parking is big... https://www.google.com/maps/@52.8261645,-1.5872656,99m/data=!3m1!1e3
  4. 1.- When we should arrive to the event? expected arrival to the event - 1 hour = time of meetup before the event. 2.- We still need to find a parking where we can meet all together 3.- Dunno... Maybe? xD (I have my missis coming with me so, out of the game on this one... hahahah)
  5. I have already booked in http://www.booking.com/hotel/gb/newtonparkramadajarvis.html?aid=318615&label=postbooking_confemail;pbsource=conf_email_hotel_name ;) my missis is going to love it, and its not super expensive... ^^
  6. It would be great if we could pick a hotel those that we are planning to stay in a hotel on saturday... I guess no one is going to camp... :P Where are we planning to meet up on sunday morning before going to the Jap Fest?
  7. Got the tickets!!! :D yay! Hey, someone is staying in any hotel close to the Jap fest? Im planning to go saturday and stay in a hotel so we can meet early... also, where are we going to meet all before jap fest? in order to go everybody together... :P
  8. It was not exactly this one the video, but apparently are called "divorced" down pipes... :P
  9. I have seen some time ago, that there were some down pipes with the wastegate and the normal turbo "out" separated by a pice of metal in order to "dont mix the gases to get rid of them even faster... also could produce some flames (?) xD
  10. Niceeeeeeeeeee congrats bulldog! :D Nice upgrade you have there... :P
  11. Thanks! Yeah, I cancel the purchase... the people from the ebay e-shop told me that it was designed specially for the Impreza 5 and 6... where did you bought your bullgdog? ;) looks quite nice to have the wastegate with a decent space... ;) Wondering why the HKS one doesnt have it...
  12. Bought it... lets see what happens... it says that used to be at 166 pounds, but they wanted to get rid of it... "Clarence"... lets see...
  13. Well, here is another... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HKS-Turbo-Down-Pipe-Subaru-impreza-GC-CF-chassis-EJ20-engine-/231280241975?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&fits=Model%3AImpreza&hash=item35d9606d37 60 bucks more... but still... :P
  14. Hi, just wondering if this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271558302748&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123 Would fit on my scooby :) Thanks!
  15. Hi Guys! Im was thinking about installing my BOV like this: Should be fine like that? Cheers! :)
  16. Someone else who would like to join to play some Dota 2? Last week some guys took home 10.000.000 dollars just for playing that game... (and for being the best at it also... xD)
  17. Do the old fashion way... talk with the seller... I did this several times, and 80% of the time got the item for 20 Pounds... xD e.g.: an EIDS and a turbo timer...
  18. I start with this masterpiece of bad luck... xD (The guy was waiting the cop for the speeding ticket...)
  19. Still amazed by that lan cable entry... :)
  20. Well.. it has an RJ45... so, maybe you can also plug it to a router... xD
  21. Yup, that, maybe a TD05? :)
  22. So its confirmed that at least if we are going with people inside the car, these people has "priority" at least to buy the tickets at the moment and come with us, right? So they wont have to leave the car to wait 2 hours for the entrances, for then make the line to buy the tickets...
  23. Yup, but the thing is that, I dont want the people that is coming with me to wait outside to buy the tickets 2 hours... you know if we can buy it while we are IN the car?
  24. Does someone knows what happnes if we go in the car with more people, and those doesnt have an entrance? They can buy it at the same time that the car enters the parking? Or do they have to go out, to make the line 2 hours later? -.-
  25. Yup, but they dont have HKS oil... I have to order it from SUMO Power... Thanks!!! :D
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