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Everything posted by Martin959

  1. Hi, what the title says... My guess is that they will fit, but just in case I wanted to ask... :) The ones on the front are ventilated, the rear one not... Thanks!
  2. 107 was including the VAT.... I wouldnt recommend them to anyone... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH plus, they gave me back the car with the steering wheel in a wrong position... they had to fix it 3 times in order to center it... -.-
  3. Not so cheap.... they literally assaulted me... 107 pounds for the MOT + wiring earth the honk...
  4. My bad, that happen when you write things in a hurry... it was because of the Horn*
  5. Yup, looking for Piston brakes... the whole conversion if tis possible... :)
  6. Funny thing... it failed... Because of the "HONK"... yeah, the honk...... no words... xD
  7. Hi all! :D I have under my bed the previous exahust that the car have, its an STI one, looks like this one: Its in an overall good shape... all the sections goes, except the downpipe... :P
  8. When you see it...
  9. Same here... what was the video about? :P
  10. What was it? :O
  11. Hi Guys! I always had the Check Engine light on since I bought the car (also my previous scooby has the same thing), but its working perfectly, and when you start the car the light goes off... There might be any problems with this and renewing the MOT? How can i turn it off? Thanks!
  12. Thanks Gambit!!! :D
  13. Yeah, the problem is that I had bumped a Smart some months ago, nothing serious of course... So dont know whats going to affect next year insurance... I hope not much... but looking at how are the insurance here.. hmmm...
  14. :O but... but... i have it until october... :P I spoke with some police officer the other day and he mentioned that I was not going to recieve any disk, that was going to be controlled by the plates... :P
  15. By re-tax it you mean the disk right? :P
  16. Hi Folks! There is any way to know when the MOT of the car ends and needs to be renewed? I cant find the paper, or the previous owner didnt gave it to me... :( Can I call the DVLA to find out when Im suppose to renew it? Thanks! :)
  17. Funny thing, the guy who sold me the car, was on his 30 something, and he told me that the first year the insurance was quite high, but then the second year the insurance drastically dropped down... he didnt told me how much exactly he was paying at the moment... someone had this same thing also?
  18. Hahahah to the country side maybe... xD Buy a 1.0? Where is the fun there? xD The only fun car that I can imagine with that CC is this one...
  19. So... in order to pay less I should: Get the UK driving licence. Do not crash. Get older Find the right insurance company Right? :P
  20. Thanks... I feel better now...
  21. Yeah... I think I can do this after 6 months or 1 year... will see... will call DVLA later and ask :) Thanks folks! :D
  22. Yeah... just wondering WHICH is the KEY component that makes this outstanding price... :(
  23. Yup... WAAAAY cheaper... I was planning to change almost everything on mine... but I guess buying a new engine would be the best option xD Maybe a 2.0 from 2000 era... if it fits... :P
  24. Honestly, today talking with other people they told me that I was paying waaaaaaaay too much... Im currently 26, have a international drivers licence, driving a scooby wrx from the 97... How I could lower it? (currently paying arount 5000 pounds per year... madness...) Thanks! :)
  25. :(
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