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Everything posted by Martin959

  1. K, just ordered a couple of these "http://www.ebay.com/itm/180895091035?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT" just hope these will fix the noises that the rear wheels make when im turning and have to do traction at "lower speeds" :)
  2. Nicee, still I think im going to change the rear bearings since its also not that expensive and may explain the "clan clan clan clan..." (until it does traction...xD)
  3. I guess if it comes out, could be bad... right? xD
  4. Well, at least are quite cheap :D
  5. So, are the freakin anti roll bat bushes? xD
  6. Yeah, they say that the "Anti-roll bar kinkage rubber bush" are deteriorated, all 4 of them, front and rear ones... but i guess that cant be the noise... since its not related when I do a downshift or on uphills...
  7. I will do that then :P now I remember that in the MOT they say something about some rubber things that had to be changed... Im going to look at it later... :P
  8. Yup, when I changed it, the guy changed everything, the rear diff and the gearbox... :)
  9. Yes I took it to a mechanic here in Spain, and he look the oil, and it was good, I changed the oil when i put the sti v3 gearbox... Yeah, might be, this "cla cla cla cla...." does it usually uphill... and when I do a downshift it does weird noises coming from the back, but doesnt sound like the rear differential itself, sounds more to the exteriors of the car... I guess its the bearings because the suspension doesnt change when I shift gears... Also I heard a noise like the machine that the butchers use when cutting meat.. but that might be the brakes i guess :P
  10. Cool! :D but what happen to your gearbox? :( I guess scoobies gearboxes are not that great, on my previous scooby I had to change it as well....
  11. Did you check the water and oil?
  12. Yeah, literally, its a "bless" the rain here... let me know if you come some days here! :D
  13. try ebay, and get them yourself... you will save a looooooooot of money... :P
  14. Sad to see that more and more Subaru its making the cars more for the Usa market (to cover "all their needs") rather than following the JDM style, looks, etc... Looks like a Ford or Chevy... :(
  15. Jeez... I wish I had some thunderstorms here... xD, there is almost no rain here... Im kinda missing the heavy rains.. :(
  16. Hiya everybody! Sorry I dont come here too often since I moved :( I have a problem with my scooby and its that sometimes when I switch gears (usually downshifts) the scooby makes some weird noises coming from the back, I changed the clutch because i tough it was that... but nope... apparently the noises are coming from the back and specially when I do a downshift or the rear wheels have to traction (e.g. uphills)(a "cla cla cla..." sounds appear from the back... and disappear when I get some speed...) I have been reading in some other forums that usually is because of the rear axe wheel bearings... what do you think guys? I doubt is the rear differential, its something that its quite hard to break, and i usually drive my scooby like a granny... xD Thanks!!!!!! :D
  17. Pfff... who needs cruise control on a WRX or an STI? XD... the best cruise control is just a big orange brick on the accelerator... xD
  18. Thanks! :D yup, cant believe that guy did all those videos... a real ++ for him... :D Life in Spain, is great! :D Summer all the time... had to change the radiator on the scooby, oil, etc... For some unknown reason, i have a little bit of steam coming out from the front bottom section of the car... water levels and oil are ok... dont know what else can provoke the steam... :(
  19. http://www.carcarekiosk.com/videos/Subaru/Impreza/1999 Its kinda cool :P Hope you guys find it useful too! :D
  20. Yeah, I guess in case of emergency, is fine then... :) Believe it or not, here in Spain not every gas station has 98... just for the record if someone is coming to spain with the scooby :P
  21. Im thinking about using 95, since I will be using the car for working mainly and its quite cheaper :P Would anything wrong happen to the car if I start using 95? Thanks! :D
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