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Everything posted by Martin959

  1. I guess if it fails, your engine is going to notice it first xD
  2. How many HP could a TD04 take? :P I think that the actuator that I bought from HKS can be modified... :D
  3. Yup, it goes straight... already bought a new actuator for it, probably planning to do a maintenance to it, ask the guys from the garage to clean it, maybe get a new up-pipe and down-pipe... since its still cheaper than getting a remapping xDDDD gosh, cant believe that a mapping could be THAT expensive! its madness! (or sparta... :P )
  4. Thanks guys for the help! :D yeah... 500 pounds of just mapping is just crazy :( Yup, mine is a front turbo, doesnt have the air pipe straight... I was thinking maybe a good TD04 that could resist more? than the stock one... :P what you think guys? is that even possible? :D
  5. Cool, :D I was planning to buy this one maybe "http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Td05-Turbo-subaru-/131418198883?ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123" And the guy told me that I would need a Remap of "500" pounds... wtf? WHY THE HECK it cost that much a remap??? o.0
  6. It shoudnt affect you at all, since the turbo is going to suck the air anyways :P the only thing is that the piece will get the air from that section, that is where the colder air can be taken, but still, no big deal :)
  7. Thanks guys! :D I will check on ebay if there is some cheap TD05 :D
  8. Niceeeeeee :D congrats! :D
  9. Hi Guys! I was thinking about changing the turbo for a TD05, not big deal nor the biggest upgrade, but some guys from Berkshire Subaru Owners told me that I will need to do a full remap and so on... its a must? do I have to change anything else too? Thanks!!!!
  10. There is any company or Car Valets that can clean and get rid of the rust on the pieces? That would be healthy for the car :)
  11. Probably belongs more than anything into the Junk Room :P is someone going? (BTW, its a lan party... :D )
  12. Hey Gambit! :D yeah, my initial idea is to get one of those and short it just a little bit, no more than that, since its mainly to replace the original that I THINK is loosing pressure... :(
  13. Would this one "http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HKS-Upgrade-Actuator-Kit-Subaru-Impreza-STi-GC8-Version-3-/271053596871?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3f1c0da8c7" work on my WRX 1997? It has the standard TD04 on it :P and I think that the actuator is making the car loose power since sometimes I get a good boost on the turbo and sometimes is like almost an N/A :P Thanks! :D
  14. Thanks guys! Wondering if I would gain any HP changing it... I have right now one from an STI, i guess... and the rest (middle and end sections) are HKS :P
  15. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HKS-Front-Pipe-Downpipe-Subaru-Impreza-WRX-STi-1992-1996-/300784765235?ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:GB:1123 I guess it should fit, the owner answer me: "Hi Sorry unfortunately this item will only fit on the 1992-1996 models many thanks " But still those models were pretty much the same I think... What do you think guys? Thanks! :D
  16. http://www.tomei-p.co.jp/#
  17. You guys love camping... xD
  18. I see no problems, just easy solutions... :P
  19. Spoiler alert, Gambit wants to enter with his scooby in the middle of the TT competition to compete against them xD We should organize a day in early summer to go :D it would be much fun...
  20. That would be intergallactically racist xD
  21. Hi Guys, I was thinking that maybe we could join some people from the forum and go to the Isle of Man for some fun :D Anyone? :D
  22. I wish I could do this... but on Reading its simply impossible to find a place to have fun with the car... :(
  23. And we should never forget this one either... xD
  24. Yay! Now Im not the only one with a Cat! :D
  25. Well, the heaters I always have it on during these cold days... but never tough it would consume "more fuel" :P Yup, in terms of Ponies, yup, I noticed a BIG difference :D but the wet and cold road doesnt let me enjoy them :( hahahaha
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