Hi Highspirits, nice to meet a fellow awaitee, and future owner... Although I'm afraid I might be about to make you cry. I've just had a call from the dealer telling me mine is ready to pick up so I'll be heading over on Saturday!
Thanks for the welcome guys! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit excited! :D I'll certainly share some pics when it's here... Supposed to be with the dealer this month but no confirmed date! I swear time has slowed since I made the order!!
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Hi All, managed to bag myself one of the last 2015 WRX STI's in blue... Bit of a step up from the fiesta I'm currently driving. Still waiting for it to arrive at the dealer right now though! Forums look good and full of helpful advice! I'm a first time Subaru owner so lots to learn I should imagine!