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About keithmb

  • Birthday 09/14/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Maidenhead Berkshire
  • Subaru Model
    Impreza 2.0 Wagon

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  1. Hi Guys these starting back up again?
  2. Hi Guys joined a while back then my Scooby got ill and had to go.. Now back behind the wheel of one and loving it hopefully this one stays longer. When last here was talk of maybe a regular meet with for Windsor/Slough/Maidenhead/Reading members did this ever happen could it happen really interested. Here are some pics of the new one
  3. No I had a WRX lined up to purchase but have a feeling it's gonna fall through basically sold my wagon and the guy wants to pick up this weekend but cannot be without a car as use it daily.
  4. Hi Guys currently got £1500 could possibly get £2000 what have you got needs to be this weekend. Cheers
  5. Is this still for the 27th if so I can't make it it's my lads 6th birthday party shame as would love to attend.
  6. Nice Matt What the splitter on the front?
  7. Great my dogs get car sick so not a chance of them getting in it lol.
  8. Thanks google estimates 38 mins from my place. Is the Pub kid friendly? Will prob bring the boy along.
  9. We are up for this just need info on location postcode.
  10. Hi I have signed up but the logo was one it when I bought it.
  11. Our 2ltr Wagon bought it a week ago not sure what mods will be doing yet just see where it takes us a little cosmetic work here and there but nothing major. Any sugestions greatly received would like to try and increase power but not sure the best route to take yet.
  12. Don't ask about the green I have no idea
  13. No Dump valve noticed about 3/4 pipes with the same Looks like he had some kind of gauge mounted to the door pillar at some point.
  14. Hi all Bought a 2.0 Wagon on friday just been doing a few bits under the bonnet and noticed some of the pipes have had screws put in the ends of them. I wll get some pics posted so you can see where they are but on the off chance someone might know why they have done this. Cheers in advance.
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