Outback H6, 2003, 120k
I've had the car for about 6 months and apart from a rear brake rebuild, had no troubles - until yesterday. Coming back from Tesco the 'VDCOFF' warning light came up and the aircon stopped. I'm guessing now that it was also running hot, but I never thought to check the temp gauge (yes I know I should have done the regular scan, but...) Got home, checked it over, found some loss of coolant, but no obvious cause. Top up, run up, seems OK. Quick trip to the same shopping centre this morning; VDC light on in less than half a mile, and temp climbing quickly. Looks like I'm not going to the Hawk Conservancy today...
I've checked it over and I cannot find the source of the coolant loss. There was a steady drip from the back of the undertray, so I took that off and the drip transferred to the cross-member. It seems to be running down the n/s engine mount, but I can't find where from. I traced the coolant pipework and the most likely place seems to be the heater return pipe - not the hose, but the rigid pipe which runs from the hose, has a tapping for the throttle body heater return hose, then goes back to the block through a small straight hose near the bottom rad hose. Aha, thought I; I can solder that up once it's off the car. So, I disconnected it, removed the mounting bolts - and I cannot for the life of me see how to get it out without removing the engine - or at least the n/s engine mount, valve cover, and possibly the l/h head. For all that it feels sound - no serious corrosion or damage, so it cleaned the ends as best I could and refitted it. The leak is still there - but all joints are dry; although I can't see the full length of the pipe, there is a suggestion of dampness along the hidden part, but I cannot see where the drip originates, there's too much 'stuff' in the way. If I could get the pipe off, even if it were not repairable I could jury rig a tee-piece and a hose to replace it, but there's no room at the engine end with it in place.
As my nearest dealers are at least forty miles away, I'm a little restricted...
Any ideas? Either alternative possibilities for the source of the leak or ideas to remove the pipe...
As a 'by the way' where can I get a shop manual for this car? Haynes have never even heard of Subaru...