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Linx last won the day on October 25 2022

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About Linx

  • Birthday 06/13/1964

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  • Location:
    Stratford Upon Avon
  • Interests
    Home Mechanics, Bikes, Bike racing, Real Ale, Rock Music.
  • Subaru Model
    2003 Impreza 2.0 WRX Blob Eye Sudan

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  1. It's normal for the level in the expansion tank to go up when the engine is hot. That's just normal expansion. As for your other issue, I would try replacing the thermostat. Hope this helps 🤞
  2. Ah yes. That looks familiar 😂
  3. I think you must do. I wouldn't have bought it otherwise. Get yourself the Haynes workshop manual. It's all in there.
  4. Just stick the garden hose in for a minute if you can, with the drain screw open. Flush it until it runs our clear.
  5. Hi Forncett, I'm pretty sure I didn't need any locking tools when I did mine. However it was a few years ago. I did have to by a tool to hold the crank pully while I un-did and did up the crank bolt. Must be some YouTube videos on the subject. Linx
  6. Most kits come with the pullies and water pump. EG https://navigates.gates.com/emea/v/subaru/impreza/powergrip™-kit-%2B-waterpump-%2B-thermostat/gates/kp2th15612xs-3.html
  7. I have a V40 too 😂. D4 engine. It needed a new EGR vvalve soon after I bought it but luckily done under warranty. Been good since 🤞. Looks like a new bottom support is about £55 from Import Car Spares.
  8. No. It did pass a couple of mots before I sold it though. I believe Import Car Parts sell the support for welding in.
  9. Brake booster pressure sensor
  10. Maybe you don't have the correct adapter lead.
  11. He did say it had been stolen ☹️
  12. Wow! You're going to have to get codes ready for that. Is the engine light on?
  13. You could also check to see if it's been SORN.
  14. Oil and filter change every 5000 miles with fully synthetic oil and genuine Subaru oil filter.
  15. Worn bearings usually make a humming sound.
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