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Everything posted by Hench

  1. Hi Dino, Thank you for that information ill be setting myself aside some time to have a go at that.. When you say gasket overlaps do you mean the gasket restricting the flow and the size of the hole between the intercooler and the DV?
  2. UPDATE... Waited 2 !Removed! weeks for new DV... Doesnt fit lmao... Firstly... HKS SSQV is a fake as per several "how to spot" videos and forum posts... Secondly... Adapter flange is a load of tosh! Doesnt allow the DV to be fitted as it fouls the inlet manifol. Thirdly... its almost impossible to fit the DV to the adapter flange. All in all a rather unsucessfil outcome. Awaiting a reply from seller with regards to selling counterfeit goods as genuine.. hopefully they will cough up my doh. Then its back on the hunt for another.. I will report back once i get a step further but use this as a warning all... If it looks too good to be true.. errr it is!
  3. Drifting in the snow is likely to increase fuel consumption
  4. Wow.. shes a looker!!!
  5. Its no prob just glad for any help... I thought i can recirculate with it too so after what you said can try both ways. .see which works best.
  6. Ok.. so rather tgan beating around the bush ive bought a new DV... HKS SSQV with a new adapter plate with sealing O'rings.. ill wait delivery.. which is about 15 days from now and report back to let you know the out come. Than you for your advice... If anyone else has anything to add please feel free your knowledge is grwatly appreciated .
  7. Hi bowthruster... thank you
  8. Thanks scooby pete... Right on border to surrey will take a look thank you....
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome Jay762.. :)
  10. Hi and thanks Savage Bulldogs
  11. **** maybe i need to join south east scoobys then lol? ??
  12. Thank you Gambit. Look forward to picking everyonrs brains here....
  13. Ok so here are the photos of the DV i cant say for sure but i think i found it online as in the last photo.. they look exactly the same and its from www.mattlewisracing.com however he only sells them for 97-99 models could this be the problem?? I also believe he sells on ebay...
  14. Alway vpower where possible if not its the 97ron ultimate type stuff never regular unleaded.
  15. Ah ive heard of this pill n know where it is ill take a look at that too.. thank you... ill report back Again thanks for the advice. Any more ideas and suggestions greatly appreciated too...
  16. Is there an indication of what distinguishes between a car that does and doesnt like a vent to atmosphere DV?
  17. I have delved too deep yet was hoping i might find a quick fix first. . Do you think DV is likely to be the cause or at least 1st point to check... ill start by teplacing the gasket if so and then possibly the DV itself..is there a recommended brand or style i need to buy?
  18. Hi ScoobyGhost, Thank you.. its a bit of farm land i have access too as i rent a lake on it (you can tell by in one photos ive pinched a couple of punnets of blueberries lol)... its quite good fun lol...i pulled up there n thought, like you, hmm this could make a good photo.. hahah
  19. Oh and yes its deffinately an aftrmarket one...
  20. Hi, Thank you for takingbtime to reply... Ill be honest i dont actually know, but did notice the other day whoever fit it before i owned it used 2 layers of card as the gasket. I will take a photo and post it on my lunch break.. I did wonder if this might have been a problem but it seems i made it worse by removing my intercooler and MAF /TPS plugs and assumed as i didnt remove the DV its unlikely... but then im no expert and and was litterally just assuming.
  21. Hello Nevell, Thank you and like wise they are lovely motors Im very proud of mine lol as we all are im sure. Ive have a few probs Id like to resolve but on the whole very pleased with it. Even the stickers are growing on me haha
  22. Hello all, I am hoping that there might be someone her that might have a few suggestions on what might be causing my problems in order for me to sort it out. I bought my 2003 WRX with Prodrive Performance Pack fitted back in July 2014 and when I bought it I knew it had a split Turbo-Intercooler Y pipe.. The prodrive one. It was loosing boost heavily but the new silicone item I purchased of eBay was at first perfect. All of a sudden WOW this car is quick!! Big Grin!!! (my reaction on my first test drive after fitting) Any way over the next few weeks of playing about I developed another boost problem which seemed to be intermittent and not too frequent. If I was to be say cruising at 60 in 5th and drop it into 3rd before accelerating hard (i.e. to over take etc.) all of a sudden as I put my foot down the car dumps its boost.. I get a big woosh from the Dump valve then boom we are off.. a few days later I noticed it again when i came to a roundabout but didn't quite stop but made it to 1st gear ready to accelerate. I put my foot down and exactly the same thing happened. I have driven the car for a little while now, as is, trying to find answers my self to no avail but have tried to avoid driving in a manor that induced this cars response. I had a few days off the other day so decided Id spend some time and remove the intercooler again and see if pipes had come loose split etc and see if any thing seemed out of place. I also removed and replaced the MAF and throttle position sensor plugs (not the sensor itself) in case there were any bad connections. Nothing was apparent and so i fitted everything back and made sure Id tightened all my jubilees properly just in case. when I took the car off to test the problem has returned with a vengeance when ever I accelerate hard in any gear, if the revs are high enough to be within the turbo band, it dumps its boost first before regaining its composure and then taking off. However this doesn't happen at all if accelerate hard from a stationary position right through the gears. in this case the car seems to perform as it should until I come off the gas and accelerate again if for example I come up behind a slower car and have to wait for it to pull in before I can pass. since I fitted the new Y pipe I have also noticed that once the car is warmed up I start to hear an audible kind of continuous beeeeep whilst on the accelerator if the turbo is spooling. this comes in at about 3000 revs and goes when I lift off the accelerator. It comes back once I step back on the go juice at about 3k again. It seems to be coming from the dash around the dials or steering area. I have tried my best to describe the issues and hopefully someone with the knowledge may be able to help me with some information for a potential fix and also what this damn beep is please.. Many thank in advance for taking a look and piping up if you have any clues.. Hench
  23. Hello all, Clearly I am new to the forum, Just making my introduction to you all before I get down to the nitty gritty... I hope all that read this are good, I look forward to picking your brains.... I will be after advice and Information relating to my ownership of a 2003 WRX with Prodrive Performance Pack that I purchased back in July. I have a few minor issues and niggles I would like to sort out but I will save all that for my posts in the relevant sections. This is the first Subaru I have had the pleasure of owning and have to say I absolutely love it.. Few piccys uploaded.. Any hows that's me for now I have some posts to make Looking forward to hearing what you all have to say. Hench
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