Absolutely terrible paint job
Went to Faz auto work shop, got a recommendation from a guy who got his Supra done
He wanted £150 for the spoiler and £50 for the Pin spoiler both were fibre glass and ready to go with gel coat primer, bought from a UK manufacturer can't remember who since the badge is covered now.
Anyway he gives me the spoilers totally messed up and demands cash, wanting the full £200, i told him to !Removed! he ruined my spoiler, cut to story short he knows where i live and didn't want trouble so i gave him £75 for the very poor job that he did.
Another reputable company - Jags body shop wants £200 to re paint, and fit the spoiler that's not including the pin spoiler.
So i thought i would give it a shot i sanded down the pin spoiler primed it in filler primer, sanded it and painted it, not happy with the results so i feel that i need to go to a professional.
What is an acceptable price to pay for both spoilers painted and fitted
I live in East London any recommendations ?