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Everything posted by richr

  1. Gambit I wasnt having a dig just like to get something confirmed as I know what these places are like They need the money in to pay for Marshall etc As soon as a payment thing is sorted I presume we will PayPal money in? Rich
  2. Even if we split the extra car cost between us its still cheaper than going "non club" Can we confirm this is going to happen as I'm keen to be there on the stand
  3. Are we going to stand the extra car cost and share it between us and hope another head pops up and takes the ticket Im guessing its getting a bit tight time wise now
  4. Be carefull with Quinn i know a year or so ago they were told not to trade in the UK as there were questions about what they were doing. Things might be ok now but i would check first
  5. Ive given a mate a reminder to register with SOC and get his name down for Japfest
  6. Yes mine just clip over
  7. Stealthy Silver is obviously the fastest as it has less wind resistance due to the light colour Blue and Black are heavy colours so saps all tha precious BHP :D Why do you think Mercedes paint their F1 car Silver ;)
  8. Thanks Stants Im off for a look now
  9. Hi All Can anyone point me in the right direction to try and get some steering rack boots today or order some online today to get posted out on Monday Or a part number or the sizes of the boots They are to fit a 1998 impreza turbo WR Sport Unfortunately she failed the MOT but only on the above Thanks
  10. Totally agree with jay I would strip all the pads out clean the calipers with brake cleaner and maybe use a tooth brush to agitate the crap built up. Clean the pads if still usable and copper slip the backs and surfaces that touch the calliper, you dont need loads of copper slip just a wipe over Make a note of where each pad comes from otherwise you will have to re bed the pads in as they will have shaped themselves to the shape of the discs
  11. Looks like I have made a cocktail up and have 2 accounts now doh If the mods want to remove this account feel free
  12. Bought my car on Saturday Mega interior clean on Sunday Over next couple of evenings Checked Lights wipers etc ready for MOT Saturday Ohh and went for a bit of a drive tonight :)
  13. Gambit Can you put me down as a definite please Rich
  14. Jay i think you missed the irony of my post :) If he just wanted a tax haven he could of bought on one of the other islands say Guensey IMHO hes a knob but each to their own :)
  15. If im being honest im not bothered TG will be going Its turned into the same old same old drivel But as has been said they will sell out to the highest bidder and off they go again Just as an observation Clarkson bangs on about hating motorbikes then goes and buys a house on the Isle of Man FFS Im ready for a flaming now ill get the burgers out :)
  16. Maybe I'm being a bit thick here Tried using tapa to post pics but I can't see how to only to write a reply doh
  17. My advice would be to have a look on here http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/ You may want to have a go yourself or if not there will be people who will recommend somewhere you can trust A full car detail wont be cheap but will look a million dollars when done
  18. Ill give it a go Im of a certain age that some technology just doesnt sink in Thanks for your help
  19. Its not looking good I contacted a clifford dealer who tried clifford for new fobs or to reprogram my old alarm to new fobs Seems that i have an old alarm and clifford dont have the software to sort it, they say its too old I find it amazing you can buy parts for a car thats 40 or 50 years old but not for an alarm thats no more than 17 years old How do i post pics in case someone on here might be able to help, i did a search but drew a blank Thanks
  20. Ahh well not to worry Thanks
  21. A taxi cut my daughter up a few weeks ago and tried to force her off the road She stopped in front of him and all of a sudden he couldnt speak english Any way she got a picture of the car, although blurred, when he drove off nearly running her over To cut a long story i found the reg of the car and when we were out one night spotted the car I had a word in his shell like about the error of his ways :)
  22. Im a very strong possibility just need to make sure im not working but ill know that in the next week or so Wouldnt mind meeting up at boots early doors as well for the convoy in :)
  23. Very nice looking car A couple of days earlier and i would of had it I collected a WR Sport on Saturday I cant see you having a problem selling her I would try ebay with a fixed price that way you might keep the idiots at bay or maybe preloved i sold a couple of cars on there again less idiots more genuine buyers Rich
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