Haha i made a last minute decision and backed out... i have the mot in a month or so and i would rather see what that says before i spend 800 odd quid...
I will be ordering some rota grid drifts this afternoon, just wondering what the ideal size is, i was thinking 17s but not sure on tyre size, any help?
Today ive been pondering whether to get new alloys for the motor, maybe some drifts...
Whats size do you all recommend because 18s just dont feel right... also any other suggestions on which alloys?
Whilst browsing the interweb i found racedynamix tother day, havent found a bad review on him.
I will look up area 52 shortly.
Thats why i thought id ask before going to some idiot that ruins my car haha
Hi all, im thinking the next step to a happier car would be to get her remapped, however i only know of a few in the area and was wondering if you fantastic people have any recommendations on who to use... price isnt much of an issue as this will be after i have paid for my wedding. Haha
Well another piece of good news, I had a leak test done on the head gasket, that came back negative and once again it is back to the expansion tank, does anybody know where I can pick up an aftermarket expansion tank?