Are minis the new bellend-mobile? they have upgraded from the corsa/Audi up your rear gang in the recent months or have they always been like this?
Also had one hell of a crazy b*tch screaming at
me for itching my ear, absolutely furious she was,
"get off your f'ing phone I've got kids in my car, I'm reporting you" blah blah blah, I tried to explain I had an itchy ear but nothing was getting through
she was causing more of a menace trying to convince me that I was actually on my phone than if I'd been playing on snake or something
I'm not sticking up for people using there phones while they drive as I'd never do it, but people need to mind there own business, Its becoming like everyone is now trying to catch someone else out, like a trophy that they are better drivers or something, dash cams there good if your involved in something but I think loads are more of a danger trying to catch something.
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