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Tidgy last won the day on September 20

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About Tidgy

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  • Subaru Model
    2007 STI Limited

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  1. tbh its not the worst ive seen 😮 alot of what you can see are bolt ons (rear subframe etc), if your pockets run that deep of course.
  2. Gone through a few on mine in the past 18 months and turns out there was a fault on the charging circuit.
  3. Get a specialist to check it, could be nothing serious, such as a belt tensioner, or could be bearings (they tend to be noisey at lower revs before they totaly fail)
  4. Tidgy


    You could try scoobyclinic at chesterfield
  5. friendly MOT place 😉 Sports cats can be a bit hit and miss, mine had one for many years and did pass, but i know folks who have had them and not.
  6. Just take off the heatshield, leave it off and save yourself some money
  7. looks like the exhaust maifold heatsheild. has it rusted through?
  8. Beware cheap jobs. they rust from the inside out so it's 99% probable the damage will be considerably worse on the inner arch. untill the external panels are stripped off to see how bad the damage is you wont know. it can affect everything from the fuel filler to the suspention tower. Im not trying to cause you panic as it is unlikley not repairable, I just warn you as a paint over it cheap job will only make things worse in the long run. Realisticly your prob talking anywhere from £800 a side upwards for a decent job including blending in etc.
  9. Yeah should be in the history, if not then will be tiral an error if a mechanic cant get the fault to replicate to understand it.
  10. nice 😄 bet you were like a kid at christmas during its transport
  11. Will be a standard mechanism so non model specific, should be easier to find. try import car parts
  12. Nice, have you collected it yet or is it still on route?
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