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Everything posted by Silverscooby

  1. Yep, im off to festival of speed on Friday. 1st time of going, should be good, weather awesome. Got a ear infection so driving me crazy at mo, drops better be working by Friday!!!!!lol
  2. Hey Gambit, gunna have to drop us of the list, the girlz have let me down, and feel its too far bein 5 hr journey for me to take on my own :-( Such a shame it wasn't closer, please put loadsa pics up tho, so I can see what ive missed!! Have a great time.x
  3. Hiya, don't forget me, been on here now for five months!!
  4. Hell yeah, the girls x3 will be there!!
  5. Its a good four hour trip for us, but what the hell, a night or so away, bit of fun with some like minded people.... guessing it'l be a good idea to get some breakdown cover!!!lol
  6. Spot on!!!
  7. Had a word with the girls, and Friday a strong possiblity, but it will be a late arrival, so get the flood lights ready, as guna be fun putting a tent up at 10pmish!!
  8. Sounds good to me, think weve managed to source a tent, so shud be all good, although we mite roll up sat in the morning, depending on finish time at work on the friday!! I may have another groupie too, so you may well end up with three of us mad girlies!!!lol
  9. Me too, mite even just have to kip in the scooby. Even when I did camp....once before(lol) I didnt put the tent up, think a practice run or two in the garden may be needed!!! A Saturday would be perfect for me, as its guna be a good four hour trip for me..(cant do weekend 17th August, got a date with Meatloaf!) :D
  10. Yeah, I think I can manage the drive, gotta convince my mate camping is fun!! As soon as some dates up, I'l confirm, shud be cool though..
  11. That sounds cool, where are you based? Defo sounds like a tent mite be on the to buy list!!lol :D
  12. Yeah off new album, think Drawn and quartered awesome...
  13. 3:22 by HIMVEVO Im addicted To HIM, life long fan, just got their latest album, totally amazing full belt!!
  14. Hey Jay 762, Im always on the look out for the meets, I keep an eye on sites. Was a meet in Oxfordshire earlier this month, but I was on holiday....damn!! So if you know of anything going down, give us the nod...cheers :D
  15. http--,,--//http--,,--// Got my sticker, hope pix upload ok, think the silver on the blacked out windows is neat!!
  16. Ahh, the Equalizer, one of the best... Whwn I lived in Plymouth 20 years ago, Edward Woodward opened an art gallery, and I met him, was awesome!! Another good un, Callan......
  17. Yeah I like it!! Be Nice in black, as my scoobs is Silver..
  18. My Impreza GX sport.
  19. My Impreza GX Sport, plain but elegant.
  20. Stunning Filioque!!
  21. Thanks, have contacted Chips away, hopefully they will give me a good quote... Got a couple of freinds of freinds that could do a mates rate re spray...decisions decisions...lol
  22. I'd like some advise on getting my Scoobs in a tip top condition. There are a number of stone chips on the bonnet that have been painted in (before I got it) And two small areas where the laquer has worn. I also need one alloy touched up. All these can be done by Chips away, but what would the finish be like? vid looks proffessional... There is four or five stone chips on the bonnet that bug me, but would it be cost effective to have a bonnet re spray? Then there is the worry the paint wont quite match.. Advise please... Thanks..
  23. Well Ive had mine for a year and a half and clocked up about 5,000 since then, which is pitiful!! But now Im looking at meets etc I can see shes going to get a lot more use, roll on the good weather!! :D
  24. Looks fantastic!!
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