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About Colin.K

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  • Subaru Model
    2016 Forester

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  1. I have just replaced a diesel Forester with a petrol XV, the price hike being one reason, but also the MPG figures for the e-boxer range are lower than the petrol engines. We were fortunate enough to be able to purchase a new XV of the spec we wanted from dealers stock as I believe once current stocks are sold petrol only variants will no longer be available. When we collected the car last week the salesman advised that we had probably made the correct decision based on MPG and the 3k price rise.
  2. I too, after 3 1/2 years of Forester ownership, have decided that enough is enough. We have had issues with the air con condenser, replaced under warranty after pointing out posts on this forum, 3 visits to the dealer to have a creaking rear door strut replaced, and the final nail in the coffin has been repeated dilution of the oil due to failed regeneration attempts. My main concern throughout has been the poor service received from the Eaglesham based dealer. The rear door strut was only replaced after I formally complained to Subaru UK about the lack of service I was receiving. I have since found a more local dealer whose service has been second to none, has convinced me to stay with Subaru ( awaiting delivery of an XV ), and advised that the diesel Forester that we had should never have been sold to us due to the low milage we do. The last point was most annoying as the salesman who sold the car to us was well aware that the 3 year old Yeti we traded in had done only 21k miles since new. We are really dissapointed in having to change the Forester as it has been a great, and on the whole reliable vehicle. I'm sure that had we been advised to purchase a petrol version I would not be changing the car at this time. Hopefullystaying loyal to Subaru will be a decision I dont live to regret!
  3. Ours was fixed last week and seems to be OK also.
  4. Dealer called today to advise that the part is now in stock and they will collect the car on 5th October to fit it.
  5. Last week we were told not to expect anything before the end of October as there were close on 50 of these parts on back order. Not too happy about this as we've been without aircon since June
  6. Interested to read this as my 2016 Forrester had its 1st service a few weeks ago and I was told that the aircon condenser was 'damaged', wouldn't be covered under warranty and it would cost £697 to replace. I advised the dealer not to go ahead with any repair and checked the condenser for signs of damage when the car was returned. As I couldn't find any I asked the dealer for a technicians report as I intended to take the matter up with Subaru, given the lack if any obvious damage and the fact that the vehicle has only 7k miles on the clock. The dealer was aprehensive to supply a report and called back a couple of days ago to advise that Subaru had now agreed to cover the full cost of repair! There has never been any mention of a manufacturing defect.
  7. Loved it too, used it every day to go to work but not missing it and enjoying the comfort!
  8. Took the plunge and converted from Land Rover Defender to a 2012 Forester. Why I took so long I will never know. The Defender seemed like a good idea at the time but reliability wasnt one of its strong points. Its a refreshing change to have every accessory that will ever be needed (2.0D SX Navplus) after the minimalist offerings of Land Rover. I am a bit concerned by the posts regarding glowplug problems, but I'll worry about that if it happens, in the meantime I'm enjoying the niew experience.
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