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Everything posted by adenjdannenmaier

  1. I had standard yellow injectors and swapped them for pink sti injector. I only drove it the once and once I realised that it wasn't running right I crawled it home and I only turn it over for bit now and then just to get the fluids moving. But I haven't driven it since
  2. I suspected it was something to with that i just wanted to check, its not my daily so i think i'll be safe and when i take it to get mapped i'll make sure to stay out of boost. Thank you for you help.
  3. Hi all you Subaru gurus I'm hoping you can shed some light on my situation. I recently made some preparations to my car ready for a remap and to hopefully get some good gains. but my issue occurred after i upgraded the injectors and fuel pump, the car runs and idles fine but when it gets into boost the car bogs down and i suspect this is caused by to much fuel and not enough air but i could be wrong. but as i said this is prep for a remap and the mixtures can be sorted out when mapped. i just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue when doing that same mods. and if there is anything i can do to try and resolve the issue myself prior to taking it to the dyno i.e wind the boost up. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. they look like this
  5. that doesnt look bad mate what make is it? ive gone for the prosport evo (evo is the model of the gauge not the car its for) gauges i think they look real sexy just waiting to get 2 more to fit them in a triple pod holder that sits in the center of the dash
  6. what boost gauge have you gone for?
  7. yeah my first guess would be the center allen head crew in your 2nd picture if its anything like my GFB BOV then unscrewing that will soften the spring on the piston and require less pressure behind it to release all that BOV noise goodness
  8. i bet that feels nice when it pulls :) what turbo have you got on it? has the BOV ever produced a good noise since you fitted it?
  9. yeah i'm hoping so my biggest worry i end up blowing my gear box as they're only good for around 350bhp but i get close to that ill be a happy man :) i'm not sure what else to suggest then mate i did look at the blitz BOV before choosing my GFB one as blitz is tried and tested i hope you find a solution you could always give Allen Jefferies a call and see if he has any ideas as to what might have caused it
  10. im planning on a 3" turbo back decat exhaust (which my neighbors will love) im looking at getting sti injectors and an upgraded fuel pump and to top it all off a bigger turbo but hopefully one i can use with the top mount intercooler as i dont want to chop parts of my car off to fit a front mount but ill have to wait and see what turbo i end up choosing :) have you looked to see if there are any adjustments on the valve itself i have a GFB dump valve on mine and its just a case of twisting the body of the valve to alter the adjustment
  11. thanks for the reply im planning quite a few mods that will include and require a remap and im just weighing up my options at the moment i hope you manage to resolve the issue with your dump valve i dont suppose its an adjustable one between atmospheric and recirculate? ive heard mappers have been known to turn it to recirculate whilst mapping to save their ears abit this will have a big impact on the noise it makes
  12. hi there im afraid i cant really help with your dump valve issue but i was just wondering what you make of the mapping you got from Allen Jeffery as ive heard some horror stories and some high praises about mapping done
  13. ill be decatting my exhaust when i upgrade the exhaust system to a 3" system so ill have to get the lambada sensors switched off by the ecu when it gets mapped what fuel pump would you guys recommend?
  14. thanks for the estimate ill just have to wait until its dyno'd to see what i get from it do you guys have any recommendations about what lph fuel pump i should go for to go with the standard injectors on my wrx or should i just get the wolbro 255 ph pump?
  15. do any of you guys know what sort of power gains i would see from a tdo5 conversion after its been mapped with the turbo a 3" exhaust system and a 255lph walbro fuel pump?
  16. cheers for the advice i knew it would need a remap once the turbo was fitted i just wasn't sure if the manifold would fit, thanks for clearing that up for me Live Long and Prosper Aden
  17. im thinking of upgrading my tdo4 turbo on my wrx for an sti tdo5 but was wondering if the existing manifold would still fit and the turbo would just bolt on or would i have to buy an sti manifold to fit i know ill have to get the car mapped once the new turbo is fitted i would just like to know the amount of parts and work needed to make it fit Many thanks Aden
  18. hello all my fellow subaru enthusiasts Im looking to do some bolt on mods to my ppp wrx and i was wondering if any of you guys know if the prodrive ecu is re mapable so if i take it to the dyno would the chap there be able to map it or would i have to get a mapable ecu first and have it mapped to my car? Also does anyone know if the ppp comes with an uprated fuel pump? Many thanks Aden
  19. awesome thanks very much ill have a look through there items and see what i think will suit me but i may be back to ask about my choices and see if ive made a good decision
  20. ill have to do a little research into which cat back ill prefer and ive ordered a cosworth panel filter which is supposed to be a dry type (no oiling required it said) do you have any sources to which i can have a look at to start my research on?
  21. i see well ill have to look into where i can get it mapped and how much it'll cost and make sure i get i can afford to get i get the parts installed ill see how i go with just the bolt on parts first and go from there ive ordered a panel filter so ill just need to find a good cat back exhaust do you have any suggestions?
  22. ill be wanting to do it all in stages so i wont have to fork out to much money in one hit but i dont mind spending 2k on the car because i know then ill never be beat by some touqeless honda with no boost haha
  23. yeah thats what i feared i didnt want to do anything that would risk the health of my engine i want to get more power safely im going to be purchasing a cosworth panel filter to improve the intake do you know of any free flow exhausts that wont produce a ton of noise the one i have now is great for that its quiet when you want it to be and when you stomp on the loud pedal it does just that :) and what about my fuel system if i upgrade my pump will i need bigger injectors?
  24. Hi all my fellow Subaru enthusiasts im looking to make more power from my wrx and not really sure which route to take my main motivation is one of my friends has a dyno mapped civic type r and its surprisingly fast and manages to keep up my car so i need to put his stupid honda back in its place and leave him for dust i was thinking of starting out with an electronic boost controller and just up my boost slightly but im not sure how my cars internals will handle the extra power if anyone has any recommendations im all ears and could really use the advice. Thanks Aden
  25. cheers all for your responses i think ill go for the cosworth panel filter i read on a different topic that the oil in the K&N panel filter causes issues down the line so it looks like the cosworth one is the way to go. Live long and prosper, Aden
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