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Scooby snigs

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    2.0 sport classic

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  1. Good point .thanks
  2. Thank you ,do you know of any aftermarket ones as I need both sides, thank you for replying 😊
  3. Anyone any ideas ?
  4. Can anyone tell me if you can stop rear door seals on a classic impreza from leaking ?. Is there any adjustment on the glass runners (so as to increase pressure onto door seals)?. Thanks in advance
  5. Thanks for replying
  6. Hi I have been tempted with a 2006 legacy at a resonable price. I was wondering if there were any reviews as to what there like . Also what does anyone think i should expect to get trade in on a 1999 impressa2.0 ltr sport as standard (rough ball park figure) thanks
  7. Thanks I'm spoilt for choice now lol. Thank you shms
  8. Hope can anyone tell me what diff oil to use on my 1999 2ltr sport rear diff. Thanks in advance.snigs
  9. Now sorted thanks
  10. Hi has anyone got a alternater for a 1999 impessa 20ltr sport
  11. Hi can anyone tell me how many knock sensors there are on above car please?
  12. Bump
  13. Hi I have had problems with intake air temp senser which I have replaced but still keep getting check engine light flashing on , not as regular and goes off within 10 second , I disconnected battery to reset ecu. Could air filter cause this problem ?
  14. Tried to reset ecu but would.nt clear .was advised to disconnect battery overnight then reconnect and see if fault appears again . They seemed to think that ecu was really flagging old faults . Hope that makes sense?.
  15. Hi could anyone advise. I have recently had the aa out to my imprezza 2.0l sport 1999 due to "check engine" light flickering .the aa chap said it was recording intake air temp sensor fault , I have changed the sensor for a s/h one but the "check engine" light is still coming on intermittently. Don't want to pay dealer price for a brand new sensor if it could be a wiring breaking down .anyone help?please
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