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Everything posted by DaveRAC

  1. @scottrobo23 no worries buddy will meet you there
  2. Done ally prep today just finish it off tomorrow and it's not a problem buddy got santa pod on 9th june
  3. Fair enough was going to say I'd help but your in Devon and I'm in Sheffield 🤣
  4. @WideSam why not going to be ready buddy what still needs to be done ?
  5. @mfnick not sure they are did you opt in for the insurance for the ticket so you can get your money back ?
  6. @mfnick what time you leaving buddy was thinking of meeting at woodhall services around 5 if you want and @scottrobo23
  7. I'm planing to get there for 7 when it opens for us
  8. Can meet up if you guys want I will be leaving around half 4-5 ISH as got baby with me now and it's a 2 hour drive
  9. It's to guage interest at the moment so I know how many tickets to get and to get payments from all you guys for entrance for vehicle and yourself if you are bringing more people then need to get extra
  10. Right guys that time has come again need to know of any on interest of going to japshow at the pod on the 9th June please let me know if you want to go and I will get it booked up
  11. @HawkeyeLawrence there is 9 now need more lol
  12. Wouldn't mind a good few this time instead of between 5 and 10 cars will get more attention then and probably a better location than last year on the outskirts of the show 😁
  13. Thanks gem
  14. Good good can meet up en route if you want
  15. I have put it in the Facebook group but only got 3 going so far so anything you can do to help will be great
  16. Guys just an update only have 2 cars so far got just over a week to book your tickets before the deadline is up
  17. @scottrobo23 sent you a message to help you book it if you still need a hand give me a call
  18. https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30610080/my.events.justbookitnow.com?p=eyJzIjoiQVVSY0VXSzZSYXU1QjRteXExLWp0ODFjanZ3IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDYxMDA4MCxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL215LmV2ZW50cy5qdXN0Ym9va2l0bm93LmNvbVxcXC85ckNLZXRDTFdYNkM5UUg4bXdBc0J0WlRoTlFVQTRaQ1wiLFwiaWRcIjpcImE4MDcyZjU3MWQ0YjQ2NGJhNTZhMDY3MTY0MjgyNzNlXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiZDZmZjFiNGJjMjg5YmQ1Y2Y1ZTAyZGUxNGVjNmIwZDRjNWUzN2ZjMVwiXX0ifQ Get your tickets now guys whilst they last There is now only one Subaru Owners club on there site finally and the password is Daverac
  19. https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30610080/my.events.justbookitnow.com?p=eyJzIjoiQVVSY0VXSzZSYXU1QjRteXExLWp0ODFjanZ3IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDYxMDA4MCxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL215LmV2ZW50cy5qdXN0Ym9va2l0bm93LmNvbVxcXC85ckNLZXRDTFdYNkM5UUg4bXdBc0J0WlRoTlFVQTRaQ1wiLFwiaWRcIjpcImE4MDcyZjU3MWQ0YjQ2NGJhNTZhMDY3MTY0MjgyNzNlXCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiZDZmZjFiNGJjMjg5YmQ1Y2Y1ZTAyZGUxNGVjNmIwZDRjNWUzN2ZjMVwiXX0ifQ Get your tickets now guys whilst they last There is now only one Subaru Owners club on there site finally and the password is Daverac
  20. Not sure if they have done it yet
  21. Guys see my new thread on this 😊
  22. Hi all I will be sorting out Japfest this year I am just waiting on them to get back to me so I can book the club stand please let me know if you are interested in going so I can book accordingly thanks guys, Dave.
  23. I'll be up for it but who is organising the events this year ?
  24. I'm looking for some standard roof rails that fit to a Hawkeye wagon don't need them immediately but will need them soon
  25. DaveRAC


    I have the gazebo and @Sclark01 has the banner/flag as I couldn't get it back in my car
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