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    Forester 2016

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  1. If it is a 2017 is it still not under the 3 year warranty?
  2. There is an issue with Forester aircons leaking since the new style gas was introduced. I had 3 in two years (2016 Forester) and had to get an independent gas specialist to confirm it was not impact damage that caused the leak. A new style aircon radiator was introduced in 2017/18 to resolve this. Since I got the new style no issues (fingers crossed)!
  3. I have the previous version. Single press of the fob opens driver door, double press open the rest. Strange version improvement!
  4. A result. The aircon condenser has been replaced under warranty by Subaru. The dealer did another bubble test and this time did not suggest it was accident damage and replacement was approved. I required an explanation from Subaru why I’m now on my 3rd condenser in a 2 year old car and I was quoted a Service Bulletin saying a new redesigned unit has been introduced to deal with, the now admitted, corrosion issue. The new unit has a different parts number so if you have a similar issue insist on the new version!
  5. Well the saga continues. I've had the condenser inspected by an independent aircon specialist (who actually does work for the dealers!). Surprise, surprise he says there is no damage causing a leak and suspects the gas reacts with oil in the condenser to create an acidic mixture that corrodes. So basically the same fault that my last condenser was replaced for under warranty. I'm beginning to suspect that Subaru are well aware of this but costs are beginning to rise and they are doing their best to reduce warrant claims. I'm waiting a report to confirm his suspicions and will be going back to the dealer and Subaru who were very quick to diagnose accidental damage!
  6. Well surprise surprise, despite the history of this car I’ve now been told it is ‘damage’ so not covered by warranty. Funny that yesterday it was corrosive coolant but now it is my fault..... I complained to Subaru who weren’t interested....”Air conditioning condensers by necessity have to be positioned in the airstream and as such can on rare occasions sustain impact damage. Typically damage severe enough to cause a leak is sustained when the vehicle is travelling at high speed rather than when travelling at low speeds off-road. The likelihood of impact damage is naturally increased if the car is driven at speed in close proximity to other vehicles.” Damn cheek, 40 years of careful driving, I never drive like this. Rare? 3 condensers in two years? So much for good customer relations. First and last Subaru that is the end result.
  7. 300k 🙂 mine has done 21k and this will be its 3rd condenser unit...... Something wrong methinks.
  8. Fast forward to September 2018 and my second annual service..... Condenser (replaced last year) has gone again! Garage now saying that the new type of coolant is corroding the units. I’ve asked this be escalated to Subaru as if I’m going though one a year what happens when the warranty runs out?
  9. Collected the car at last! Repair was done under warranty as expected. Had the first service done at the same time. I’ve had a loan car so didn’t think about compo. Best of luck with that. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Been told the part is in a shipping container at sea somewhere. Expected in UK sometime this week. We will see... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I'm still sitting with the loan car and was told not to expect anything to happen before the 20th September. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. A bit of a coincidence eh? I've now been told to hang on to my loan car as Subaru are doing a 'Europewide' search for a spare. I've never heard of a loan lasting potentially over 6 weeks! I wonder if a recall is in the offing?? Really glad I wasn't asked to cough up nearly £700 quid!
  13. For info. Lost aircon a couple of weeks ago so returned to Dealer for repair under warranty as the car (Forester 2016) hasn't even had its first service. Just been told that replacement condenser won't be with them until late September 2017 at the earliest. Subaru apparently say it is a worldwide issue with a manufacturing defect. Ok I know it is just a Scottish summer but 2 months without aircon is a bit off. I'm in discussion with Dealers/Subaru about a loan car for the period but even if this is agreed I'm going to be without my own car for over six weeks but what is the option as I'm not driving to sunny England with no aircon!
  14. Hello folks. Newly retired, first Subaru (2016 Forester) bought to do some touring. Had in the past Golfs, Freelanders and Suzuki SX4 and this is by far the best car I've had. Owned the car since last September so coming up for a year old. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!
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