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I have paired my Mobile phone via BT, so its registered by the XV as it should be.

Each time I start the motor I have to go through some anoying button-pressing to confirm the identity of the phone.

I would like the car to recognize my mobile phone as soon the engine is started and BT is established, As far as I have read in the XV manual that isn't possible.

Does anyone have idea to get around this obstacle?


BTW. In the confirming menu it looks like one should be able to choose between a number of registered phones, but you are not allowed to register more than One.



Hi. Thank you. ☺

I use a galaxy alpha.

Earlier i had a HTC one and it was automatically identified every time i entered The XV. Thought that was a mistake and shouldnt be possible according to the XV manual.


I take it the alpha is running the kitkat android software ?

I had problems with mine after the last android update it no longer accepts my phone book so have to enter everything manually and i had to put the bt pin in to pair phone eveytime, That was on an s2. I have alpha now and it connects no problems I take it you've allowed the phone 'trusted' status ? Maybe message dogconker he has an xv also and he may have has similar issues

Sent from my SM-G850F


Yes, version 4.4.4. As I understand that is kitkat?

Your input sounds promising. Maybe I misread in the manual about the xv not being able to maintain the confirmation of my alpha?

Have to check that trusted thing on my alpha again. I guess its there the trust is set? Cant find any "trust"in the bt menu in the xv.


Hi I am using a Samsung s4 and it works fine on 4.4.4 also have tried it on 5.0.2 lollipop and it worked fine

could be a setting on your phone ?


Hi I definitely have to check that more thoroughly. Thanks. I sounds like You constantly don't have to select and confirm your s4.


no it connects straight away soon as I get in car also downloads phonebook with no problems either


Hmmm. Very few possible options in the BT menu on the Galaxy Alpha. Doesn't work. Still have to confirm the phone at engine start.

Page 5-33 in the Swedish XV manual clearly says - that's the way its suppose to be.......


Will try my sons S4, if it works like yours.


No. My sons S4 doesn't connect automatically.  :(   

Different stereos in my Sport and your Premium?


Have you tried looking online for an update to the Stereo ?

Clutching at straws really as I don't know what else to suggest

Sent from my SM-G850F


Is yours an integrated unit with sat nav ? Maybe also be worth talking to your dealer could be a known problem, do you know who makes the unit at all ? I'd Google it first off may throw up something

Sent from my SM-G850F


Integrated without satnav. Its due for its first free service soon and I will hear what they have to say about this. Thanks


Last post maybe?

Today I tested my previous mobile phone, a HTC One, and it automatically connected as soon as I turned on the ignition. Beautiful.

So there seems to be something in the protocol between the XV and Samsung Galaxy Alpha and S4 that doesn't work as it should be.

The setup is identical in these phones. No extra boxes to check in the HTC.

  • 1 month later...

Finally! As I took my XV to the 15.000 km service the technician explained to me that I shouldn´t pair the mobile phone via the central media unit.

I should do it via the steering wheel phone buttons.

Then the connection is automatic every time I enter the car.


  • 2 years later...


Bump from 2015! What? This cant be right, have i been pairing my phone like a muppet for the last year?! 

Also how did i miss this thread. Going to try and re-pair(?) my phone at the weekend and see if doing it from the steering wheel helps.

Thanks StefanH for posting this, I take it as you haven't posted since 2015 its been working since then.

  • 5 years later...

How do you pair using the steering wheel controls? All the info i can find only tells how its done with the centre console!

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