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Water rushing sound in WRX Hawkeye


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So recently I have been noticing the sound of rushing water from somewhere behind the dash on the passenger side. This must be connected to the water pump because it rushes with the revs of the engine. If I rev the engine from standstill I can hear it sloshing and bubbling, and I hear it when I pull away.

I had the cam belt and water pump done a couple of months back so was wondering would it be air in the system and if so is there a bleed valve or a process to remove the air? 

Anyone else had this problem? And is it what I think it is?

thanks in advance!

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No problems at all mate, not overheating, plenty of hot/cold air from the blowers. The water sounds like its being pumped and it does it when I rev. All I can think is air in the system from when the water pump was fitted? 

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Are you sure it's not the power steering fluid making the noise? I've known this in the past. See if it's worse on full lock. Might be worth changing anyway.

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I'd say air working its way through the system, take a long while. I had the same noise after changing the coolant, water rushing sound behind the dash on passenger side. Doesn't do it now a couple of months later and I haven't touched anything.

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