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Hi to all,

Just joined and introducing myself and my car/cars. Firstly my Subaru being a 2006 Impreza 2.0i R Sport totally standard except for a stainless steel exhaust but that probably makes me more the exception than the rule. Owned her for just over 3 years and until recently been a joy to own and completely trouble free (but a new post in due course will explain that fly in the ointment). I have spent my life around vehicles and prefer the older type cars that actually allow you some input to their repair than the modern day black box nonsense but each to their own is my motto. I also have a couple of Mercedes that enjoy keeping me on my toes, a Range Rover P38 and apart from a liking for visits to the petrol pumps is remarkably well behaved, a MG ZT-T for the trips shopping etc and in mid restoration of a Jaguar XJS V12 5.3HE of 19so have plenty of 83 vintage that's been mine for over 10 years now. I am living in the rural delights of Aberdeenshire so have plenty of interesting roads for fun days just pottering around when life and the weather permits. I maintain all the vehicles myself and had been thinking I was pretty competent  until my recent fun times with the impreza but thats for the proper forum section. Sorry for boring you all with a long winded intro will ensure I keep future posts to the point and on topic.


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Thanks for the welcome, I am a little obsessive about cars lol. My viewpoint is I can run all these cars and have the fun relating to that for what a new modern car would cost in a pcp or monthly finance option and most months very much cheaper. Plus I have the sort of mentality that no matter how often things go wrong or break down its just all part of car ownwership and the life of this obsessional hobby!!!. Saying that most of the time I just do servicing and cleaning and preventive maintenance. I have been lulled into a false sense of security with the impreza though she has been so reliable and only needed her yearly service and mot etc that I have never really needed to look into the diagnostics etc. Replaced cambelt, waterpump and tensioners and was told horror stories to not bother and get rid, but it was an enjoyable job to be honest, granted I wasn't on a time limit and needing the car done for work etc but the people that generally say how bad jobs are normally are the ones incapable anyways lol.  oh !Removed! I'm rambling on again, !!

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