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I have just bought a 2004 Outback which I really am enjoying but the dealer involved pulled a fast one and amongst other lies and glitches, there is only one key, no manuals and no PIN code for the alarm.  I have been reading about the Sigma M30 system and wonder if it is the same one in my Outback?  Is there some way of retrieving or changing the PIN code?  The available key seems to work perfectly, but I have never had a car with just one key and really do need a spare as two of us will be using it anyway.

Can another used single button key be reprogrammed for the car? Or are spare keys massively expensive dealer purchase only?

I can't see a keypad behind the fuse box lid at the drivers R knee - does this mean there is a different system installed?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 





Have a good hunt around fusebox area and glovebox for keypad.
try post a photo of keypad so we likely identify what you got .

Spare key can be done by auto locksmith, key has a transponder chip in it but they can copy from key you already have .

If you do have the standard Sigma M30 then adding extra keyfobs is potentially DIY task and plenty available used via eBay etc .


Thanks Mr B - I went and rootled around and found a keypad behind the flap covering the fusebox beneath the steering wheel.  Have attached photo. Is this the M30?

i also discovered a Grom harness connection in the glovebox and a working Parrot cK3000.  Might buy the Grom kit……..exciting times. At least a previous owner loved the car! 

Do I need Subaru or an auto locksmith to get a key which will start the car with transponder etc or can a key be reprogrammed to full working condition?  
I found a few of the single button keys on eBay for about £20 but the seller said they can only be used for central locking programming and can’t be reprogrammed to start the car and a new transponder chip will be needed. 
sorry if I sound confused …….I am 🙂 




Subaru will be stupid money for a key, auto locksmith should be around 40 to £60 for a cut key with a transponder inside programmed to match your existing one.
*transponder immobiliser is built in by subaru at factory, the Sigma was added afterwards to meet EU/UK vehicle security laws for imported vehicles .
You can buy a used Sigma M30 keyfob and program it yourself, you can also setup a new 4 digit pin using your current working keyfob .
Setup a 4 digit pin as first step as if mess fob programming up you can still use the pin code to try process again .

M30 instructions attached ...



Brilliant, thanks so much. Just need to find a locksmith locally now who can do the transponder and blade. 


I have purchased a remote off eBay and just waiting for it to arrive - do I need to reprogram the original remote (given I don't have a PIN) so will follow that process and then do it again with the newly purchased one?  Do I just reset the PIN with the original remote and then reset the new-to-me-from-ebay remote using the process of when the PIN is known, once the original fob has been reset?

Still struggling to find a local locksmith who is willing to copy the transponder and cut a laser key - the ones I have called have all said "we'll get back to you" or have simply not responded to any messages left.  Sigh. 




First thing you do is follow procedure of programming a new 4 digit pin code using your working remote.
once you done that,  check your new pin code works  and once sure it does and got some experience using the keypad do the procedure for the remote fobs .

Sorting key and transponder going be very much down to luck of what locksmiths are local to you, these transponder and keys are nothing special and pretty easy for auto locksmith .

Another option is you pick up a used key from same era subaru and use transponder from that and get a local garage program it and put it in the remote fob (autel software covers security key programming)

If you bought used key with fob you could cut and shut new key blank to it and it have a transponder chip in it already .



Many thanks Mr B - so can used transponders in the old keys bought off eBay be reprogrammed with the Autel software?  I know some  vehicles like my old Volvo are really awkward for key programming.  I”ll keep looking for someone reasonably local -must be someone with the Autel software


Volvo is particularly awkward full stop from software diag support perspective .
We do some Subaru via autel but have SSM software too .
Used keys go pretty cheap so if got not luck with a locksmith doing transponder you could get a used oem transponder and try find a local garage/tuner to program it .
Plenty options so hopefully get something sorted, even worth asking a local Subaru dealer price on programming transponder you supply as they might do you a fair price !


Update for Mr B and others interested - I finally managed to get a transponder and blade done by an auto locksmith after phoning multiple mobile and shop-based ones who either didn't respond or said they couldn't do it. Cost was £95 - cheapest I could find - some quotes were £200!

No-one could offer a full key with the Sigma remote part. So I bought an identical Outback key off eBay - arrived today. Will try programming it tomorrow.   Cost was about £20.

Thanks for the assistance - has been really helpful - hope I don't mess up the remote programming now!



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That seems a fair result, really luck on what local outfits you got .
Price can be silly lol ...
The Subaru transponders are not easiest to clone but they nothing over special by modern standards .
Should be easy programming the outback remote fob.
You want remove the transponder chip from it, lot of people cut key off and put them on key chain, you can graft a key blade on them and put the new key transponder chip inside the oem key fob housing but is fair amount of effort do well .


Have now managed to successfully change the PIN code and it seems to be working fine.

But I just cannot get the eBay remote to play ball - the pairing process seems quite simple **ABCD*91*n#  where ABCD is the PIN code and n the number of remotes to program in.    I hear a blip when the code is correctly entered and after pressing the # key. Then press button on first remote until it beeps, then press second remotes button until it beeps.   Except the first remote beeps 4 times quite quickly and the second (the eBay one) does nothing at all.    After another 15 secs or so the system goes beep-beep.    First remote works perfectly.  Second (new to me) remote does nothing at all.


Am I doing something incorrectly in that sequence?   I have tried it a number of times, gone away and come back and tried again.  No success yet.

The seller did say they would swop out the remote if necessary but that it had checked out electronically as working fine.  I just wanted to avoid unnecessary stuff if I am not doing something correctly to pair the second remote.



Can you do a picture front and back of your original remote and the one you bought used .
Sounds like it either incompatible remote or faulty ...
Have you tried programming and trying the eBay one first and see if recognises it and bleeps ?


The remotes are pictured below - the original working one is the one with the ring through it on the left of the photosIMG_6614.jpg.dd72d285b854550c727d4d6762aeb0bc.jpgIMG_6614.jpg.dd72d285b854550c727d4d6762aeb0bc.jpgIMG_6614.jpg.dd72d285b854550c727d4d6762aeb0bc.jpgIMG_6614.jpg.dd72d285b854550c727d4d6762aeb0bc.jpgIMG_6613.jpg.9785480aba8223e80296d825ea906afa.jpg- rear has a white sticker but unfortunately the numbers have rubbed off. No identification on the other remote at all.  They both look identical.

I did order some spare batteries and thought I might try a new Battery before sending it back.

There were a few of these remotes on eBay which all look the same - is there a particular link to one I should buy instead? 




swap Battery to original one and see if Battery good by arming/disarming alarm .
Isn't uncommon have dead buttons on these, you can tell well used ones as the soft touch coating wears off and the button will of lost it's tactile feel .
With the tags not being readable on back could not be 100% on the comparability but initial gut feeling is either battery/battery contact or faulty button !
your eBay one does physically look likely well used .

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