Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Hi to everyone out there. I wonder if anyone can help me (as the tablets have stopped) !! I'm new to Subaru and this forum, so thanks for your patience and help. I've got a half tidy Impreza, I use for doing my 90 mile commute. Is quick & reliable, but what the hell have I got ?? I've tried looking on line, but seem to be struggling as there are so many variants on the VIN number, year to year. What do I know, not much !! .......it's blue, got 4 wheels ....... From the VIN :- JF1 Fugi Heavy Ind, Japan G Impreza F Wagon 8 2.0l turbo K ???????? D Class D ? 3 (check digit) Y 2000 (year) G 4WD I think I've also found out that it's a version 6, with engine code EJ20. But what is it ?? I'm struggling with the 'K' part Is it a WRX, sti, limited edition or just a bog standard turbo with a remap ?? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Whippet
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Do you have the Appled Model Code? They are much easier to figure out!
Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Author Posted November 5, 2013 Hi Adam, yeh I think it's GF8HK8D. Does this make any sense to you ? Many thanks
Gambit Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Hi mate welcome to S.O.C Here's a list of model numbers :) This is your's GC8HK8D = turbo 4 door J D M - "Import" Model Codes Type/Version/HP • 1992 - 1995 GC8A48D.....WRX 4 door / 238GC8A47D ... WRX Type RA 4 door / 238GC8B48D ... WRX 4 door / 248GF8B25D =. WRX 5 door / 218GC8B47D ....WRX Type RA 4 door / 258GC8B47D =. WRX Type RA STi V1 4 door / 272GF8B58D = .WRX 5 door / 218GF8B58D =. WRX Type RA 5 door / 248GF8B58D =. WRX STi V1 5 door / 258GC8C48D = WRX 4 door / 238 • 1995 - 1997 GC8C47D =.WRX STi V1 4 door / 258GC8C47D = WRX Type RA STi V1 4 door /272GF8C58D =. WRX 5 door / 218GC8C4ED =.WRX STi V2 555 4 door /272GC8C4DD =.WRX Type RA STi V2 / 272GC8C4DD =.WRX Type RA STi V2 V-Limited / 272GF8C58D = .WRX STi V2 5 door / 258GF8C58D = .WRX STi V2 555 5 door / 258GF8C58P = .WRX 5 door AT / 220GC8D2DD =.WRX Type R STi 2 door / 278GC8D48D =,WRX 4 door / 258GC8D47D . .WRX Type RA 4 door /278 • 1997 - 1998 GC8D4ED = WRX STi V3 4 door / 278 GC8D4ED = WRX STi V3 Type V-Limited 4 door / 278GC8D4DD = WRX Type RA STi V3 / 278GF8D58D = WRX 5 door / 238GF8D5ED = WRX STi V3 5 door / 278GF8D5ED = WRX STi V3 V-Limited 5 door /278GF8D58P = WRX 5 door AT / 238 • 1998 - 1999 GC8E2DD = WRX Type R STi V4 2 door /278GC8E2DD = WRX Type R STi V4 V-Limited 2 door / 278GC8E2SD = WRX Type R STi Type 22B / 278GC8E27D = WRX Type RA V-Limited 2 door /278GC8E48D = WRX 4 door / 248GC8E47D = WRX Type RA 4 door /278GC8E4ED = WRX STi V4 4 door /278GC8E4DD = WRX Type RA STi V4 4 door /278GC8E4DD = WRX Type RA STi V4 4 door V-Limited / 278GF8E58D = WRX 5 door / 248GF8E5ED = WRX STi V4 5 door /278GF8E58P = WRX 5 door AT /240GC8F2DD = WRX Type R STi V5 2 door /278GC8F2DD = WRX Type R STi V5 V-Limited 2 door /278GC8F27D = WRX Type RA V-Limited 2 door /278GC8F48D = WRX 4 door /248 • 1999 - 2000 GC8F47D = WRX Type RA 4 door /278GC8F4ED = WRX Type STi V4 4 door /278GC8F4DD = WRX Type RA STi V5 4 door /278GC8F4DD = WRX Type RA STi V5 4 door V-Limited / 278GF8F58D = WRX 5 door / 248GC8G2FD = WRX Type R STi V6 Limited / 278GC8G48D = WRX Type RA 4 door / 278GC8G47D = WRX Type RA Limited 4 door / 278GC8G4DD = WRX Type RA STi6 4 door / 278• WRX Type RA Race Altered is a lighter weight Impreza generally they come without underseal, radio-cassette, electric windows & sound deadening materials in the cabin. The RA comes with a closed deck block, shorter gearing & rally flap style roof vent.• Applied VIN Chassis Codes GF4. = 2.2L Impreza Wagon GD2. = 2.0L Impreza WRX saloon GC5. = 1.8L Impreza saloon GC8. = 2.0L Impreza saloon (Classic)GF8. = 2.0L Impreza Wagon (Classic)GDA. = 2.0L Impreza WRX saloon (New Age)GGA. = 2.0L Impreza WRX Wagon (New Age)GDB. = 2.0L Impreza WRX STi saloon (New Age)GGB. = 2.0L Impreza WRX STi wagon (New Age)GFC. = 2.2L Impreza Wagon GME. = 2.5L Impreza Coupe GD7. = 2.5L Impreza WRX STi saloon GDF. = 2.5L Impreza WRX STi GM6. = 2.5L Impreza Coupe • Applied Model Codes (Body) GC = Impreza saloon ,,(Classic)GF = Impreza Wagon ,.(Classic)GM....Impreza Coupe ..(Classic)GD = Impreza saloon...(New Age)GG = Impreza Wagon,,(New Age) • UK Applied Model Codes (Classic) GC8EK8D = turbo 4 doorGC8EKFJ = ,Sport 4 doorGF8EKFJ = . Sport 5 doorGC8EK8D = CatalunyaGC8FK8D = turbo 4 doorGF8FK8D = turbo 5 doorGC8GK8D = RB5GC8HK8D = Turbo 4 doorGC8HKED = P1 • Applied Model Codes (New Age) GDABK8D = WRXGDBBKKH = WRX STi ProdriveGDBCKEH = WRX STi • Applied Engine Codes EJ-12 = 1189cc FF Drive EJ-15 = 1493cc FF EJ-16 = 1597cc AWDEJ-18 = 1820cc AWDEJ-20 = 1994cc AWDEJ-22 = 2212cc AWDEJ-251 =2457cc AWDEJ-257 =2457cc AWDEJ-16 = 1597cc SOHC 16VEJ-16J =1597cc SOHC 16VEJ18S =1820cc SOHC 16VEJ20E =1994cc SOHC 16VEJ20G =1994cc DOHC 16V Turbo - Found in early model JDM WRXs and STIsEJ20K ..1994cc DOHC 16V Turbo - Design change from the EJ20G (96-98)EJ20T =1994cc DOHC 16V TurboEJ205.. 1994cc DOHC 16v Turbo - non-JDMEJ22E= .2212cc SOHC 16VEJ22T =2212cc SOHC 16V TurboEJ22K.. 2212cc DOHC 16V Turbo-found in the 22BEJ255 =2457cc DOHC 16V TurboEJ25T =2457cc DOHC 16V TurboEJ257.. 2457cc DOHC 16V Turbo - new age STiWhat your Subaru VIN number actually means.Sample VIN. (UK 2002 WRX) J F 1 G D A K D 3 .2 ..G ..XXXXXXDigit Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .11 ..12-171. Region: J = Asia 2. Country: 1 & 2 JF = Japan 3. Manufacturer: 2 & 3 F1 = Subaru 4. Series: G = Impreza5. Body Style: = Saloon6. Engine Displacement: A = 2.0L7. Model: K = WRX8. Restraint Type9. Check Digit: 10. Year: 2 = 2002 11. Assembly Plant/Transmission Type: G = AWD MT512 -17 = 6 Digit Prodution Serial Number• VIN plate location.
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 That list is for JDM cars... Yours is a UK car as the K = "European and General market (right hand drive)" Its a UK turbo 2000. As you already said, the H is for version 6. Edit... A few years ago I wrote This webpage about the Applied model codes. The company I wrote it for has since gone bust so it may vanish from the web any day, so enjoy it while you can!
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 It's JDM and UK ;) Sorry, I fell asleep before I got that far down the list! Digit 5 is for the market where the car was sold, so look for that first to see if its an import. JDM cars have numbers, everywhere else it's a letter.
Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Author Posted November 5, 2013 Thanks for that Adam & Gambit. So it's just a later bog standard Impreza Classic ? Goes ok though whatever it is !! Many thanks
Gambit Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Sorry, I fell asleep before I got that far down the list! And Tlag and Bip let you drive around Europe good god man get some Redbull down ya
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Funny you should say that, but the only time I ever drink that stuff is heading home after one of our European trips. It is therefore time to stock up again as I'm off to the Nürburgring this weekend... 1
Gambit Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Ha Ha I'm now confused dot com !! Adam and a few other that come here but have there own forums too do a lot of going over to Europe. :) Funny you should say that, but the only time I ever drink that stuff is heading home after one of our European trips. It is therefore time to stock up again as I'm off to the Nürburgring this weekend... Nice one of my favourite tracks you taking one of the cameras for some more footage ;) And I'm the same hate the stuff taste like Pi$$ IMO don't mind the tropical monster energy drinks though :)
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Not planning to film as most of the driving will be at night. I'll probably do a couple of laps while I'm there, but that's not the reason for going... It's an end-of-season p*** up! I'll have my DSLR with me so I'll get some stills and post them when I get back. 1
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Thanks for that Adam & Gambit. So it's just a later bog standard Impreza Classic ? Goes ok though whatever it is !! Many thanks Yes, but when that was new it was the best you could get in the UK, so don't feel too upset! I broke one for parts earlier in the year and I still have a full interior for sale... You don't need new seats by any chance :p
Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Author Posted November 5, 2013 Not to upset. Goes ok. It's been remapped to about 285 according to paperwork, but what would it have been originally Adam ? The interior is ok really not much wear. Done about 85k now, but going up quickly. Going to starting to using the A6 to do more mile munching and save the Impreza for more play times. That's if I can get my mrs out of it !!
Gambit Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Not planning to film as most of the driving will be at night. I'll probably do a couple of laps while I'm there, but that's not the reason for going... It's an end-of-season p*** up! I'll have my DSLR with me so I'll get some stills and post them when I get back. Happy with that mate. And a good enough reason to go ;)
Gambit Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Not to upset. Goes ok. It's been remapped to about 285 according to paperwork, but what would it have been originally Adam ? The interior is ok really not much wear. Done about 85k now, but going up quickly. Going to starting to using the A6 to do more mile munching and save the Impreza for more play times. That's if I can get my mrs out of it !! Sounds like a good car as long as you look after it with the service side of thing's. And don't blame you I've thought about doing the same I just don't think I could bring myself to drive another car unless I had no choice :D
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 From memory it would have been about 220bhp from new. They can get 250-260bhp with a good map so if you are getting more it probably will have had other work done. Is the paperwork a rolling road print out or a mapper's estimate? Do you know who did the map?
Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Author Posted November 5, 2013 I'd have to look through the paperwork. It had a stainless exhaust and other stuff too. I drop the oil and filter every 5000. I assume that's often enough ?Fully synthetic oil. If it's good enough for the bike, it's good enough for the car !! Checking other stuff out. I think from the codes it's a EJ205 motor, so is this a WXR ? All seems confusing compared to Audi. Was on a site that broke the VIN down from JF1GF8KD3YG, saying the 'K' meant it was a sti WRX, or does this code only apply to the Jap Imports ? Many thanks again
Adam Posted November 5, 2013 Posted November 5, 2013 Subaru say every 6,000 miles but I like to do mine more often if I can. Use a Genuine Subaru filter too. These engines will last well but only if you look after the oil. EJ205 was the basic turbo engine for version 5 and 6. It was also used on the WRX but that car had a higher state of tune. The STi used the EJ207 which had more agressive cams and revised inlet. In the Applied model code, digit 6 is the trim level. '8' was used for the base turbo model in all markets, so in the UK that was turbo 2000, in mainland Europe it was the GT and in Japan it was the WRX. Digit 5 gives the market, with 2, 4 or 5 being for Japan (2, 4 or 5 doors), 'K' for Eurpoe RHD and 'L' for Europe LHD. ('Y' was USA if you seen any of them!). The 17-digit VIN code was not used in Japan when the classis Impreza was built. If your car was a JDM car the VIN would be GF8-xxxxxx. The WRX and STi versions were not sold in the UK until version 7 (New Age 'Bug Eye'). 1
Whippet Posted November 5, 2013 Author Posted November 5, 2013 Thanks again Adam. As I say all very confusing stuff. I'll just stick to driving it and not collecting too many points !!
Jaygee Posted February 4, 2020 Posted February 4, 2020 Hi there, could anyone please help me by telling me what I have. the numbers are JF1GDAKD35G049455 Any help would be great, thanks
Jay762 Posted February 5, 2020 Posted February 5, 2020 21 hours ago, Jaygee said: Hi there, could anyone please help me by telling me what I have. the numbers are JF1GDAKD35G049455 Any help would be great, thanks Here you go - loads of info here as well as in the thread http://www.cars101.com/subaru/vin.html
Adam Posted February 5, 2020 Posted February 5, 2020 Use your cars Applied Model code here... https://legacypic.uk/identification/ 1
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